What grinds my gears
When a member of the forum speaks out for a companies interests.
Okay what grinds my gears is how dead it is around here at a little after five in the morning. Looks like there aren’t any night owls around any more…….Ronnie
What really grinds my gears is losing friends that kept you informed here……Ronnie
what grinds my gears is the slow downward spiral of the forums in general.
Take for example the Jewelry Talk…Sparkle and Shine…Take 9!
This was once a very informative thread with knowledgable people talking about jewelry.
Now it has become a thread devoted to nothing but pictures having nothing to do with jewelry.It is a sad sad parody of a once great thread.
I see Carlos frequently on the Qvc forum. At least there is lively debate over there. No wonder he left this place. It’s so boring, and the restriction of real opinions makes it even more boring. Between the lackluster dialogues and the reconstituted topics, this place rebuffs even the most benign posters.
When I can’t read these replies from Oldest/first replies..to the most Recent/newest!
It’s hard to follow, because I’m First reading an answer to a prior post!
I want to read the replies in the order they were posted…from first reply onward.
I see no way to change to "oldest to newest" in the settings?
I can’t stand unfair practices and injustice. And, I hate it when someone can get away with doing something others can’t.
When they act shocked at the price or amazed at the product performance. Surely they do know what they are selling. :catfrustrated:
Well…… sometimes the price is shocking and often the buyer is amazed by the performance :manfrustrated: jus sayin
Misinformation grinds my gears also.
Some companies, politicians, AND some individuals convince their "customers" that they have the only real and true information but they really have peppered it with half truths and a few outright lies so they look good in the public eye.
The amount of misinformation that is everywhere grinds my gears as well MemphisVette. I don’t usually blame the weather people too much as weather forecasting is not an exact science but the news and other sources angers me a lot of the time. I even stopped watching HSN for the inconsistancies in the information I was getting in the products. I learned long ago to not believe everything I see, or hear on TV, or on line. I do my own homework. Even here on the forums. I do my own reading and listening and learning. I have found that there is more than what is on the front page. It has been an eye opening experience if you read and listen. Just hearing about the products is amazing. Better than reviews.
misinformation grinds my gears!
when they tell me that Saturday will be a lovely cool fall day. i plan accordingly. then the day arrives and is not lovely and cool. i should have read others reports. i should have looked to see what others said it would be. i relied on limited information and am disappointed. my plans to make a huge pot of chili, among other plans, are not going to happen.
life is full of misinformation!
EDIT. Oops!
Did you hear from her? I haven’t. Did she go to the Dr?
When David Wolf was last on, he had a question and answer forum post.
He NEVER answered any questions…he is a sham…along with his NutriBummer Pro 900.
After a year of it leaking, and leaving chunks of drive gear all over my counter, I finally put it to rest.
I will NEVER buy another gadget from him.
During ITKWD, the lady presenting the new George Foreman grill, just wiped her nose…
The world is about to end.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
213 Replies
07.14.15 2:56 AM
0 Participants