What grinds my gears
When a member of the forum speaks out for a companies interests.
When people repost someone elses post as if it was there idea and take the credit for it.
Is it that hard to be original?
The poofed jewelry thread , where did it go?
Copycat threads.
How the forums have turned into all arcade all the time. Would appreciate topics being posted in correct forums.
….someone who fabricates ‘things.’ Oh, I admire a good imagination….but not when it takes the place of reality.
I’m watching the Slinky Brand on air and there are 2 ladies speaking, showing the clothes. It’s the woman named Jackie is the person I’m referring to. Her voice is like chalk scratching on a chalk board and drives me crazy. It’s so whiney. I love the brand but it’s hard to listen to her the whole time, I just want to switch channels. It’s a shame because I like those clothes but it’s so annoying to hear her speak.
When 500+ posts vanish. It takes quite a while for most of us to post that much!!!
….people who try to suppress others.
If you don’t like a thread, don’ read it.
When others stalk posts , revamp them and make them their own …..yes it happens !
jus sayin
…..when weirdos visit.
when sites give the IT reins to a 2 year old and great stuff goes poof!
when people are demoted in rank. Not me but others. I don’t understand that……Ronnie
Fifty threads with the same topic thats been discussed over and over.Its as if the search conversations bar is not above the forum topic threads.I am not referring to chats or general topics or daily stuff,etc,but Spin To Win for example would have 5 or more questions on the first page,all for the very same reason rather than keep the comments on one thread so they can be seen in one place and more easily address the problem.
When you have an itch and can’t scratch it because your credit card is maxed out…..Ronnie??
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
213 Replies
07.14.15 2:56 AM
0 Participants