What grinds my gears
When a member of the forum speaks out for a companies interests.
Continued misinformation (almost insulting) to think anyone would believe.
……people who complain about people who complain.
When folks here act like they are THE experts .
They are self ordained experts on everything !
Thankfully most of us mere mortals jus laff it off.
Deliberate misinformation. Grrrr. Not nice.
Saturday, August 13-2016… HSN approving changes to the Site by someone who is, quite obviously, NOT an avid shopper on the Site!!! The recent changes are HORRIBLE to say the least!!!
When ppl butt in when ur talking to staff on the CS – Help Forum
That Carlos has left the building !!
Pulling up old threads to answer questions that were answered correctly a long time ago
Asking for lots of help and then not taking any of the advice received…time wasters
Ppl who spend their time reading the forum and only participate when reprimanding others
When people don’t start topics in the right forums. That have nothing to do with the forum they are in.
When the threads are nothing but pages and pages of pictures.
When the same thread is opened again, and again, and again.
When It strains my eyes to read small print., when It’s typed in pink, for an example. I will pass on reading It.
Getting my computer hacked into a couple days ago
Community spam
Lack of intelligence
When people buy a chocolate product during one of the hottest months of the year and complain that it arrived melted.
Yes, I understand it is expensive, and some day I to hope to try them, and of course you have this expectation but still, it over 80-90 degrees in many places.
Sunday, July 31-2016… No less than 10, (that’s right TEN!), ‘French Rendez Vous’ threads started in the Fashion & Jewelry Forum… and ALL by ‘New Friends’. Grrrrrrrr
Signing up for autoship on products you love..
And,then it gets cancelled and is no longer available!
What a bummer!
When a poster writes a lengthy post and doesn’t use paragraphs. One very very large block of content will send me running and I will not read it. Use the enter button on your computer to give you space to start a new paragraph. Grrrr.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
213 Replies
07.14.15 2:56 AM
0 Participants