What grinds my gears
When a member of the forum speaks out for a companies interests.
……..people who can’t play with others and turn everything into a competition.
Looks like I grind a lot of gears….I misspell words all the time!
…..people who make empty threats.
…..people who have persecution complexes.
Does one conflict with the other?
I wonder if Andrew Lessman has a pill for people who over-react to made up titles on an Internet forum?
For cripes sake, people, they’re just made up titles. Do they get you free stuff? No. Do they get you free favors? No. Do they make your life better? No.
All this talk about ‘fitting in’…
Maybe if you can’t fit in…you should look inward to your problem.
Cindy, You have 30K post and lots of smiles with the potential for many more. I think there is some frustration and change in tactics just to stir the pot. Unfortunately, as I see it, you are now the target and it looks like it has taken a turn and getting personal. I sure hope HSN steps in and stops this madness. Should we nickname you bulls eye since you have a target on your back?! I am just trying to lighten this up and make you smile.
You know what? I don’t have any more gears to grind as of right now. I think things are going to be much better come daylight…I plan to make sure it is.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease…right? Well sometimes grease isn’t what works. Sometimes you have to get rid of the wheel….or change the gears. Time for a change of gears.
And sometimes…you throw out the whole dam thing…..
I put a $15. Walmart sweater and a $105. Abercrombie & Fitch sweater in the wash. Well…………..guess which sweater came out of the wash all pilled. Grrrrrrrrr
….this annoying and over used phrase: Blah, blah "is the new" whatever it is.
"Brown is the new black."
"Comfy is the new sexy."
"50 is the new 40."
Oh, please!
I have been shopping on HSN for almost 30 years. Belittling people and trying to bully them off of the site is not my idea of fun. But what ever floats your boat, just sayin. See you tomorrow.
What does this have to do with HSN? I thought this is a forum for commenting and asking questions about products that HSN carries. And it is rude to talk about mistakes made while typing, because we are human and will often think faster than we type . I have seen many mistakes across the board which may include all of our posts. Anyone can make a mistake.
Those for whom the understanding and proper usage of the following is simply beyond them:
There are more. Many, many more. But my poor brain is about to explode. This will have to suffice for now.
People who have no original ideas and use the copy and paste function about half a dozen times to create posts. Anywhere else it’s called plagiarism. Here I suppose they are just begging for attention.
Dang, I’m funny! :smileyvery-happy:
People who have no original ideas and use the copy and paste function about half a dozen times to create posts. Anywhere else it’s called plagiarism. Here I suppose they are just begging for attention.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
213 Replies
07.14.15 2:56 AM
0 Participants