What grinds my gears
When a member of the forum speaks out for a companies interests.
There are one or two members who are not just grinding the gears but stripping them!!!
That does MORE than grind my gears Carlos…and when they sound like a constant commercial for the company…that makes it even worse.. :smileymad:
them old gears get rusty without some grinding…. Just saying :smileytongue:
sounds like carlos chose not to get a warranty on a very expensive item and has sour grapes
Nothing like getting your gear grinding first thing on a Monday morning…ALL OVER the place…..ggggggrrrrrrr Time for HSN to rename the forums or maybe the whole site……….
I used to love it here….
Cindy, I’m supporting what you said. There are too many complaints all over the place. What good would it do to report people for complaining too much? That activity is meant for INAPPROPRIATE posts. Complaining isn’t necessarily inappropriate; it’s just annoying.
There’s a lot of animosity in these parts!
Cindy, most of us don’t think you post anything inappropriate, or at inappropriate times for that matter.
New friends- welcome to the forum. It really would be better if you did not dive into conflicts and fights that you perceive without first getting a bit acquainted with the lay of the land, so to say. It is sometimes difficult to get it right if you do not know what’s going on.
Staying in the theme of this thread…
People that just can’t get along.
It’s sad that there are always people that want to ruin other peoples fun.
Sure negates my holiday displaced anger theory….
People who do crazy-kookey things, and then pull back, trying to be normal.
If you’re going to be a kooke…fly that kooke flag…wave it with fervor.
It makes you even weirder when you have multiple personalities.
After a two-day work week…and then a three-day work week, this five-day work week is grinding my gears.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
213 Replies
07.14.15 2:56 AM
0 Participants