*Updated Launch Date: New changes to the Community are coming soon!
**Launch Date has been updated to reflect new date
Hi everyone! We’re working on some exciting new changes to make the Community experience even better! With that said, we wanted to share with you all what to expect as we introduce these changes on March 15, 2017 and answer any questions you may have.
What’s going to change?
1. Rankings – We’ve heard your feedback and understand that Community ranks can be confusing. Instead, we’re going to use roles for identifying user types like “moderator” or “expert” so you can distinguish between Community members, experts and moderators.
2. Q&As – Q&A’s just like these are coming back in March to help you better connect with the HSN experts and brands you love!
3. Mobile – The mobile experience is getting an overhaul to resemble the same look & feel that you’re familiar with on desktop to help you stay connected with your friends on-the-go! :smileyhappy:
4. Articles – We’re excited to also say that our articles will be moving to their own destination. Think of this as a mini HSN magazine that will include DIY projects, home inspiration, fashion tips and more!
5. Private Messaging – This will be going away temporarily as we make changes, but we plan to keep this feature once updated.
6. Favorites & Subscriptions – We’re making two of your favorite features more easily accessible and more prominent on the home screen. Favorite: You’ll be able to bookmark topics that you’d like to follow or that you’ve commented on. Subscribe: You’ll be able to stay in the know when it comes to your favorite boards and topics by subscribing to them to follow any new posts. You will be able to access your favorites and subscriptions with one click on the home screen – no more digging through different topic threads! :smileyhappy:
The look and feel of the Community will be refreshed, but almost identical to our current design! We’re so excited! But, we always want to hear your feedback on how we can make your experience here even better. Are there any specific features you all would like to see?
Good to hear, these boards tend to get clique, and changes always seem to help.
While you are at it get rid of the drop downs. They are obnoxious.
Why not just identify us by user name? NO RANK or NO ARCADE TICKETS?
Wouldn’t that be simple?:womanwink:
I do not care for the ranking system no matter if it is ranks or ticket amounts. Giving tickets for posting will result in the same result as making too many nonsense or 1 word posts just to increase the number of postings.
The forums were at one time a great place to find out more about products with lively discussions about them. Now there is very very little discussion of products. I used to post in the forums almost daily but due to the state of the forums now I do not.
I do not like to use FB and will not use it to participate in any way.
Good clear and enforced guidelines are much needed as well There is so much gray area and that leads to confusion as to what is allowed and what is not.
Rankings, my question is why rankings? What is the importance of rankings? No one needs to feel or be more superior than anyone else. It is suppose to be a friendly community. Or is that not what HSN wants anymore? Why is it that people cannot post without putting a picture? Many people are tired of all the graphics, static or otherwise, all over the main pages. That should be stopped. If they are just for fun, they belong on Talk among yourselves. Not the regular forums. They are childish. And just following people around to smile on them for saying way to go? Again, childish. More to do with the rankings. The whole system needs to be done away with. Looks like HSN is trying to pit people against each other for their amusement.
Thank you for communicating the intent to change. I have read many great responses to this announcement. But will add or emphasis a few.
– Change for the better is always good in the long run. You say this is to make the Community experience better. Great! Planning and fact finding help make the change less painful and more accepting.
– The arcade and its tickets are a fun but small part of the HSN shopping site. Why would the community be focused on the arcade rather than shopping? Your competition is other shopping channels and sites, not gaming sites.
– You are expecting the ticket ranking vs the current ranking to be better? Ticket ranking is more competitive than the current ranking structure. This is not the place for increased competition, it breeds discontent. And keep in mind, the top ticket rankers are bots or multi users. This idea is not going to go well.
– Hosts or vendor interaction in the community is priceless. It needs to be increased and stay in the community. It needs to be consistent with the back and forth interaction.
What would encourage me to participate in the community?
– More real product discussion.
– More Vendor/host interaction
– Threads moved to where they belong, ie, social threads moved to a social category.
– On topic posts only on threads.
– Graphics on product threads limited to topic of thread.
– Make Unkind posts against guidelines and remove them.
– Solid specific guidelines with consistent enforcement.
Thank you for asking and good luck with the transition.
Sounds good to me. Looking forward to whatever changes you make. I have no input on it. I will just go along with the program. Just grateful for the community and the arcade and a chance to win prizes. I am sure whatever you do will be good.:heart:
I don’t think it’s a good idea to rank people for how often they play the arcade games. I am competing agaist myself, not anyone else.
If you’re going to do away with the rankings, do away with them altogether. Bad idea to rank us by points earned in the arcade.
And when did cuss words become acceptable language on the forum??? Right for some but not others???
Someone brought up doing things on FB. I also do not do FB or any other social media…..this is the only form of social media I use. ANd I will not use FB, I had it and I hated it and finally shut it down.
I find it interesting that people are voicing their opinions here and asking to NOT be banned for them. That tells me what a hostile environment the forums have become. Very sad.
1. I do not play the Arcade Games, if you decide to use this as a way to give us a unique identity then it will fail for me as I don’t play the Arcade games.
2. We know you like chatting with the designers (I never believed they are the actual vendor) but someone posting on their behalf like most of them do on other social media. I have no problem with the way this is right now.
3. I don’t use my cell phone to shop and I don’t have any tablets that would be useful for your mobile engagement. I prefer my computer to the website for reviews and other information about a product I’m thinking of.
I guess I will never advance as much as I try to interact and be apart of the Community.. The day I made Pro1 was so exciting for me. I do agree with the members advancing when they have been here for two or three months then they are almost a Maven.
I see some asking questions that you can research or contact C/S. I tend to stay away from that type of question because I know it is a way to advance for them. I love the Community and the games I would like to see it fair for all. I am just answering your question and hope you will not kick me out?
Where to begin. First, quite a few posts are old going back to 2014 and beyond. Think you need to decide if a post remains one week or an entire month. I think we all understand the ranks and they should stay that way for now. I do not like the idea that everyone here see our points. I play for myself and do not try to out do someone else in the Arcade, besides, if I want to know my ranking or anyone else’s all I have to do is look at the leaderboards. There are more important things that should be discussed here and addressed. For instance how many of your customers are you losing because of the Christmas mail issues that is ongoing today. How about the exercise bike yesterday that included CDs, but people purchasing one a month ago or even a year ago are not entitled to the CDs. Why does it take 5 or more days to move something out of your warehouse and then sits in a UPS facility for another 5 days. These are issues that should be addressed here, not arcade issues or games. We all love Community for talking about the items you are selling and the ability to ask questions about the product prior to purchase. The answers from the MODS have been swift and honest. I was a member of Facebook a few years ago and left when they started asking personal questions and I realized when I answered it became part of my page.
As for the tickets. Why in the world would you change that. Tickets are for the Arcade games, not for Community. Community is not a place to earn extra tickets for just adding to either a blog or a discussion. Also, wouldn’t it be more beneficial to be able to use some of your tickets towards HSN merchandise as well as the reward store. Some of us do not even go into the Reward Store because the product may not be of interest.
Community is great for discussions on current issues with HSN, whether it be a product, weather, a vendor or one of the hosts. Its a place where new ideas may be formed (if anyone is really listening) and a place to let off some steam. Community is a group of people who really do not know one another, but have become friends through their posts as well with the MODS. Community is a place to go when we become frustrated and need answers.
The Q & A is one of the best features you have here. I agree with fbn135. Those posts make us think. even makes us feel important, especially when there is an answer. The Blogs from the Vendors are good for information, but if we have a question most go unanswered. It should be addressed at the Post. Some of us may not be at the TV set at the right time and have missed the explanation and the opportunity to hear our concerns.
Again, like the others, sorry for all the negativity. Just hope this helps in someway to make you think about the changes before you implement them. Also, remember we are adults here.
Trekky said it all very well. But I want to know why this thread is not on the Community page. Looks to me that peoples opinions are NOT wanted on here. It was on the Community page earlier today.
I always thought that HSN was a shopping site and that the arcade was to help increase sales. That is not what I see happening here.
This seems to me to be turning the community into more competition. Why is that necessary? A community should get along, not try to compete against each other. Competition belongs IN the arcade, not in the Community.
And why does there NEED to be a ranking system at all? For what purpose? Regardless of what the ranking system is based on, what purpose does it serve? Now it will just turn into more competition. Just like the ridiculous “smile” board that started out as a “love” board. Horrible idea. Posting for the sake of a reward, ie tickets or a smile, will just continue the nonsensical posting just to obtain tickets or whatever the reward is in order to move up on your new ranking system or posting just for the sake of posting. As has happened with the current one. How is this a change?
Ranks and smiles do nothing but breed ridiculous posts, threads and cause problems. I would have thought that HSN would have realized that by now. How many ‘picture threads” does a forum need? IF you want these forums to be meaningful and helpful do away with the ridiculous graphics that take up space and slow down the forums.The QVC forums, which are set up like the HSN forums make much more sense. I guess that is why there is more participation. As Trekky stated, the Q forums POST why something is removed. It’s not a ‘blanket read the guidelines” post or something in a PM. The guidelines here are very and vague leaving them to be arbitrarily enforced. Full of holes. It would be a learning experience for everyone if telling why or what guideline what violated on the thread.
You state that the forum is going to be refreshed but almost identical. Then what is the point? If changes are to be made, then make them matter. Make them for the better for all that participate. Not to make people compete.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
131 Replies
02.28.17 7:12 PM
0 Participants