tracking cookies
there’s a post on here on how were tracked on every web page we brows. it says face collects our browsing history and creats a file on our buying history but how does Facebook have my buying info when I don’t even have Facebook? t don’t have Facebook, instergram,teeter,hash tag I just use Google. Com so how does Facebook get on a non Facebook customer? did HSN share my web search and buying history’s with Facebook? and why? would HSN do that? isn’t it illegal for HSN to sell customers web search and buying history to company’s like Facebook who customer has no account with? who’s not a Facebook customer? if this is happening to other customers we should come together to take a class action lawsuit.
You should read HSN’s Privacy Policy if you haven’t already. In it it says, “By using our Services or otherwise doing business with us, you are accepting the practices described in the HSN Privacy Policy.” There’s way too much more to post here. There’s a link the policy at the bottom of the page. In that page is another link to the full privacy policy.
Nearly every site has a privacy policy that you agree to just by using the site. It doesn’t matter if you read the policy or not.
If you have specific questions about HSN’s policy, they provide both a mailing address and email on the page.
I don’t think you have a case for a lawsuit, IMHO.
I know that they use cookies but I didn’t know that HSN gives my shoping history to Facebook, I’m not on Facebook. what does Facebook do with my privet identity of HSN browsing and shopping.
You’d have to ask HSN’s Privacy Officer if they share your information with Facebook. I don’t know who posted that statement here, but if it wasn’t an HSN employee…
The Privacy Policy explains how you can stop your information from being shared. It’s not just about cookies.
, it may be your browser that is sharing your browsing history. You may be able to change the privacy settings in your browser.
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
5 Replies
02.15.17 5:50 PM
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