Tony Little’s face????
What has happened to Tony’s face?! It looks absolutely frozen. There’s no movement or expression whatsoever. He looks terribly creepy. These people are destroying their looks with these over botoxing and filler injections.
Such a beauty. I could snuggle up with this little fellow without any problem. This little guy has personality. Would love to have this little one in my home as my “baby”. Thanks for sharing this lovely photo grandksmeme8.
The little guy looks like my “grandson” who went to “dogie heaven” over 10 years ago. I still miss the little guy. I was fortunate enough to have him for 11 years and his mom for 16 years. Those were good babies. I miss them both.
He is a cutie! I hope you had a restful night Caddygal.
Meme,How cute he is and hope you slept well.:heart:
Caddygal,I am so very sorry about the loss of your 2 doggies:womansad:.Of course you still miss them,they were an important part of your family.:heart:..I hope you find comfort in your memories of your time together.
It is a very harsh, harsh world and an even harsher taskmaster turning it today. Appearance has it’s place but we are so much more than our looks. It is a tough bizz to be in.
YOu got that right…..
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6 Replies
06.13.16 2:26 PM
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