I have been a customer for decades. I will soon be a FORMER customer. Your decision to stop carrying Ivanka Trump products was ill advised. I will not accept excuses about poor sales or any other explanation. This looks like a political decision. Here is your problem. Those of us who don’t live in New York, California, Massachusettes or Maine are also your customers. You bowed to pressure from the right. I have made my last purchase from HSN.
Bye HSN, Hello QVC.
I agree with” the cost of playing politics”. You may check my account and see I am a very good customer. Not any more. You as a shopping network should never get into politics. You just alienated at least half of your customers. Not smart!
I am also moving my previous value pays and monies off the HSN credit card and on to another.
I am very dissappointed in hsn. Besides that you just hurt all the people I buy from. Perlier, Heidi Daus, DG2, technibond, etc.
Bad move HSN!
I contacted all the people I purchase from, SSC, Joy, Andrienne, Elysee, Andrew, Samantha, Perlier etc and told them I will not purchase their products while they are associated with HSN
We would like to clarify that the Ivanka Trump brand was never offered at HSN. News stories claiming that we dropped that clothing line were written in error. At HSN we are non-partisan and our product decisions are based solely on a continual evaluation related to our business.
We are taught to believe what we see and hear in the news and this can have terrible effects on not only us as individuals but on society at large.
Let’s just take a breath and remember to think for ourselves and give others the bennefit of the doubt. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? We have become so quick to judge and cast stones.
There is more fake news out there then you know.
Remember “an eye for and eye makes the whole world go blind.” Or as my dear mother said all my life; “two wrongs do not make a right.”
World peace starts in our own hearts and minds.
God Bless one and all. We are one family.
I agree, you need to clarify that you have never carried the products and denounce this as fake news. I despise what is happening and was also ready to stop purchasing from HSN and I’m sure I’m one of your very best customers.
I have been with HSN since 1986 and they are playing partisan politics. While HSN didn’t have any Ivanka Trump products to pull, they DID immediately pull Trump Home products; all 17 of them. That is a political pull out of fear of ridiculous backlash. Good bye HSN!!!
While you are correct that HSN is continuing to carry the Presidental commemorative coin, your phrasing is misleading. The commemorative coin is NOT a Trump Home product. Granted, perhaps joining in partisan politics was not the correct phrase to use. I should have stated, HSN caved in to an ascine prejudicial social media campaign aimed at boycotting companies who carried Ivanka Trump products (#grab your wallet) may be more accurate a long with companies such as Bed, Bath and Beyond dropping her diaper bag, Nordstrom, Neimem, Jet, Belk & the list continues. While all these companies state the reason (decision was made based upon lack of sales), even a kindergartener can add 1+1. I find it disheartening that HSN & other companies can be swayed by campaigns that are based on unsubstantiated claims and hateful prejudice. The problem with a rash response to such a campaign is how the people not involved in the senseless ascine campaign react to those companies who caved. They walk away.
Actually QVC is ACTUALLY the place that formerly sold her line .
So you are quitting HSN protesting because QVC no longer carries her line?
Very confusing way to protest
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
9 Replies
02.10.17 3:08 AM
0 Participants