Share a Poem or your favorite quote!
There’s a place where I go that no one else knows,
Where mysteries abound and excitement grows.
A place out of reach of any man’s hands,
Safely secluded in a far away land
Beyond the grasp of those who may plunder
The wealth of its power and its life changing wonder.
I go alone to my secret place, never leaving a trace
For someone to follow and discover my space
Where I keep my secrets, my fears, and my regrets
Away from the world and all of its threats.
It’s mine and mine alone!
The only place I can call my own.
I treasure the moments spent in this realm
Where anything is possible and I’m at the helm.
This place I describe is all that it seems …
It’s a magical place I call my dreams.
John Raines (2016)
I Choose The Mountain
The low lands call
I am tempted to answer
They are offering me a free dwelling
Without having to conquerThe massive mountain makes its move
Beckoning me to ascend
A much more difficult path
To get up the slippery bendI cannot choose both
I have a choice to make
I must be wise
This will determine my fateI choose, I choose the mountain
With all its stress and strain
Because only by climbing
Can I rise above the plainI choose the mountain
And I will never stop climbing
I choose the mountain
And I shall forever be …Howard Simon
Carpe Diem
Age saw two quiet children
Go loving by at twilight,
He knew not whether homeward,
Or outward from the village,
Or (chimes were ringing) churchward,
He waited, (they were strangers)
Till they were out of hearing
To bid them both be happy.
‘Be happy, happy, happy,
And seize the day of pleasure.’
The age-long theme is Age’s.
‘Twas Age imposed on poems
Their gather-roses burden
To warn against the danger
That overtaken lovers
From being overflooded
With happiness should have it.
And yet not know they have it.
But bid life seize the present?
It lives less in the present
Than in the future always,
And less in both together
Than in the past. The present
Is too much for the senses,
Too crowding, too confusing-
Too present to imagine.Robert Frost
Ripped Pants, Broken Heart
I lived my life, I tried my best to follow all my dreams.
My great endeavors were forever bursting at the seams.
And though I tried to love what’s mine, I failed and I confess
My bony knees made pants like these suffer much distressI heard a tearing sound, and I thought it was my heart
When I looked down with a frown, my pants did fall apart.
The ripping sound was not around at the greatest time
For when my knee skin felt cold air, it was less than sublimeAnd now I live my life, knee bare against the world alone.
Now everyone can plainly see my pale skin, joint, and bone.
My ripped up pants, like Frankenstein, I may just sew together
Or perhaps make my pants shorts to wear in warmer weather.My pants are done, I have moved on. They’ve done their master well.
And pants don’t live forever, not as far as I can tell.
But there’s one problem I can’t solve, and it I truly hate.
Does one bury their old dead pants, or do they just cremate?Mitch Jones, (2015)
The Paradoxical Commandments
People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest mind.
Think big anyway.People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.Kent M. Keith
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
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05.22.16 2:12 PM
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