Share a Poem or your favorite quote!
There’s a place where I go that no one else knows,
Where mysteries abound and excitement grows.
A place out of reach of any man’s hands,
Safely secluded in a far away land
Beyond the grasp of those who may plunder
The wealth of its power and its life changing wonder.
I go alone to my secret place, never leaving a trace
For someone to follow and discover my space
Where I keep my secrets, my fears, and my regrets
Away from the world and all of its threats.
It’s mine and mine alone!
The only place I can call my own.
I treasure the moments spent in this realm
Where anything is possible and I’m at the helm.
This place I describe is all that it seems …
It’s a magical place I call my dreams.
John Raines (2016)
From my Mother “Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you what you are”.
I don’t know where she got it from , she just said it a lot while my brothers and I were growing up.
“It is better to loose your pride with someone you love rather than to loose that someone you love with your useless pride.”
“Arrogance is just insecurities playing dress up!”
“Arrogance is used by the weak, Kindness is used by the strong.”
“Judging a person doesn’t define who they are….. it defines who you are.”
“Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don’t complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don’t bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!”
? Bob Marley -
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
320 Replies
05.22.16 2:12 PM
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