Origami Gal needs to calm down and take a breath!
I usually don’t comment on show hosts, to each his own. But the Origami lady needs to stop yelling and calm down. She needs to take a deep breath, I know she is nervous, and speak in a normal tone and listen to the host for ideas instead of talking over them and callers. Just calm down and talk quietly. You can be energetic sans talking auper loud!!!! Sorry had to say something. Just too annoying I am changing the channel.
I agree but she seems very sweet. I think valerie stup is becoming a great host but I do wish she would refrain from saying good morning constantly.I’m sure its just a habit but I started noticing this awhile back. I do not like to be negative either but she is such an energetic nice host exceot for this one thing. Sorry.
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2 Replies
03.02.17 9:24 AM
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