My rationale for spending right now . . .
just as well round off the balance amounts, DAA. Since my New Year’s resolution is to pay off my credit cards, hold it this idea isn’t making any sense to me right now, but any excuse will do. So, instead of $1.483, make it $2,000. Just a glimpse into how a justify a purchase. INTERVENTION PLEASE, I’M BEGGING!
, hope your ankle heals quickly!
Astrid… For me, it comes down to NEED or WANT. Do I need it to finish an outfit, assist me in the kitchen/home, etc.? Or, do I want it just cuz?
I always feel guility over WANT purchases and sometimes cancel them before the Midnight Eastern-Time Deadline. Then, I just put them in my Favourites and wait.
I never feel guilty over NEED purchases. If the price is right, and I need it, I buy without hesitation. If I need it, but the price is too exorbitant, it also goes into the Favourites and the waiting game begins.
To spend like a madwoman now, (because you’re gonna pay-off your credit cards in the future), is a massive rationalization… you may just need that Balance on your card for a car repair, or some other emergency. However, there are always screamin’ deals over the holidays, (and after), so, it’s hard not to take advantage of them.
Decide what you really NEED, lass, and spend the money in good conscience. Put all else in your Favourites and wait, wait, wait.
Also, you might want to rethink shopping the web. We covet what we ‘see’ and this leads to impulse buying. If we don’t ‘see’ it, we can’t possibly want it. Hence, impulse buying is cut to the quick.
Good luck, Astrid… have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
4 Replies
11.28.16 3:46 AM
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