Little girl voices
One of the things my brain cannot tolerate is the baby girl voice on an adult woman. I thought Shannon Fox was hard to listen to until they got this newer night host. I don’t even know her name because I change the channel when I see her. Looks like they moved Shannon Fox to an earlier time, so she is not on at night, when I watch. I think the newer female night host is even WORSE than Shannon. She is super hyper along with the little girl voice.
I think being a show host is a public speaking job. I think one can TRAIN their voice NOT to sound like this. HSN, you’re losing me as a viewer with this nails on chalkboard sound. Close captioning is not reliable, and I cannot and will not listen to something that is so annoying. Why would a large company NOT consider this when hiring someone?
Daisy :catmad:
I agree, the little girl voice is really off putting. It makes me not watch either.
I agree with Daisy on some of the voices. This should be addressed during their training and a specialist should be part of the program to help with voice and accents.
I agree with OP. I feel HSN has a lot of hosts with little girl voices. I can’t watch any of them. It is a big deal. I watch HSN less due to these voices.If you had any speech training, you would know that isn’t their normal pitch. They could learn to bring it down.Lisa Robertson had a wonderful speaking voice.
Viewing vs shopping, voices vs products hmm. Thread or frayed …
I remember when I was a lot younger and probably even in high school. the male population just LOVED the girls with the little girl voices. This may be ingrained into these girls/women and they just can’t seem to get rid of it. And they may not want to get rid of it, since this may be what attracted them to their spouses!
I also do not like the little girl voices but I dont have to live with it. And I’m sure I have plenty of things about me that others do not like, so I cannot critisize others for something like that.
So what’s your secret? Wrist action? Quick digits? Hired a teenager? Whatever, congrats. I’m jealous. Now take deep breaths. :womanhappy:
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
7 Replies
06.05.16 12:46 AM
0 Participants