My name is Roberta. I’m a normal average consumer living in Ohio. I’m an American citizen. I will NO LONGER shop at/on HSN because they have dropped Ivanka Trumps clothing line. I DO NOT do buisness with companies that shove their opionion down my throat. I have no problem with them saying they are for Hillary Clinton, but choosing my brands that I am “allowed” to buy based on THEIR SUPERIOR knowlege of all things political crosses the line. I will also encourage my friends and family to do likewise. I like living in a free country where I can make up my own mind about what to think and where to shop and what to buy.
**** Edited By HSN – Removed Personal Information ****
Hey Aggy788 its great to see you. Miss you in the tickets area. Truly haven’t played much and I am going backwards in my ranking so maybe I’ll back up all the way to you!!!:womanlol:
Excellent post. Agree 100%
I agree, I am outraged that my shopping experience I once enjoyed has now become politicized.
I agree. What a bad move from HSN. Playing politics and going along with progressive movement. You should not take sides and alienate half of your buyers. Remember, half the country does not agree with you. Again, bad move and good bye HSN. You and your companies that sell on your network just lost a lot.
I agree too. I am American citizen. I have shopped with HSN several times and even this last Christmas purchased items again. But I will no longer shop with HSN because they care more about my money than who I am as a person. Funny, they took money from Republicans and did not bat an eye. Hmm….
They are beginning to discriminate against people according to their political views and political parties and I also am sick and tired of having a company shoving their opinion down my throat too…so evidently I misjudged HSN
and HSN has misjudged many of its customers who are black, white, brown, Catholics, Baptists, Muslims, democrats, independents, republicans, males, females…. I know my money spent is a small drop in the bucket to what HSN makes each day…but after so many drops dry away, then HSN will only be catering to one view and they will see a decline in sales……and they must not care about me as a person and my views, too…so evidently I am now a non-valued customer to HSN. Until HSN decides to like all of its customers regardless of political views and put Ivanka Trump clothing line back in, I will no longer shop with HSN and I will spread the word about their hatred.
Not true manager, Your shoppers (me) are not stupid. You are a shopping net work, know your place. Stay out of the political game. I’ve seen her shoes sold on Hsn and I better continue to. From the looks of others taking the time out to write you I’m not the only one who feels that you, HSN should not be picking sides in MY politics and MY shopping experience.
I too agree. I will not buy anything else from HSN. You are insulting my political views in favor of others’. It is dangerous to try and quiet free speech and change the opinions of others just because you don’t agree. If you want to make a political difference run for office.
msggienmiley. if your wrong and its true they never carried ivonka clothing line, you van be sued for defamation of SLANDER.
HSN remove 17 products from the TRUMP HOME line these are products from the TRUMP “parent” company and ARE NOT Ivanka Trump products
Companies who removed Ivanka Trump AND/OR products from the Donald Trump parent co. Cited changes in carrying the items have to do with analysis of sale data and poor sales yet THEY ALL seem to ANALYZE the data during the #grab your wallet anti boycott stores who carry Ivanka Trump products campaign
FACTS and observations ( which is considered to be an opinion) are not considered slander under the law.
Oh and it is called Defamation of Character Slander is the verb/action/cause for which one can due for Deflamation of Character
Not a political statement, just a woman’s statement:
So happy to see that the “women’s march” accomplished such important results in supporting women. Oh, wait a minute, what, uh, oh now I am really confused, women are not supporting an educated, articulate, successful business woman, wife, mother and charity organizer because they want to bash her father….really…hmmmm.
So it’s official, if you disagree with someone for any reason, on any level, destroy that person utterly and completely, again being headed by a women who started the “grab your wallet” movement to destroy anyone she disagreed with politically or socially. Is this starting to sound the least bit scary to anyone?
I may be mistaken but this sounds very familiar like when major women’s organizations NOW and Emily’s List (whose sole purpose is to support women in seeking elected office) and so many more supported Hillary in the 2008 primary against Barack Obama.
Oh, wait a minute, I am mistaken. That was the time that they and the top democrats, main stream media and lifelong supporters of Hillary and women did all they could to trash her, call her a racist and savaged her personally and politically to give the nomination to Barack. All to get on the “cool, hip, liberal train for the charming, articulate and totally inexperienced young black guy” because that would make them so cool with the popular kids or the younger, cooler crowd or was it just plain fear that if you did not agree with your liberal friends you would be verbally savaged and find yourself on the outside looking in and that was just too tough a road for too many to dare to go down.
Now I am confused, what was the “women’s march” about, certainly not hypocrisy? There were hundreds of different signs stating hundreds of different reasons they were there to support women. However, something strange happened. They only supported women who agreed with a liberal definition of “women’s right to choose”, because if your sign dared to state “Pro Life” not only were you not welcome to march, you were chastised and berated and taken off the official program of legitimate organizations represented at the march. Looking as hard as I could, I could not find a sign in big red letters that stated “HYPOCRISY”. Well, perhaps it was just too hard to spell correctly.
Just saw an article and photo of Chelsea Handler with “a gay and a Jew” (her words not mine) holding Nordstrom bags in front of the White House. Now that must be a statement of a true feminist or is that a liberal or is that just a hypocrite.
It’s so confusing, oh well. I am sure it will all be explained by the political experts, where liberals get all their political and social education, on Colbert or SNL or Kimmel, etc., they will let their loyal students know exactly what to think or do next.
SIGNED: A Feminist democrat who turned Independent in 2008 and proudly remains an Independent, try it you might like it.
I have to say, until now I have loved HSN. And I don’t care for their competitors.
But, this news really bothers me.
Well, the bright side is, this will be good for my bank account. 🙂
Hope you all got to see the total meltdown of the person saying things like “Dump supporters”, “we will impeach your foolish leader”, etc. in the other thread. It was not someone on “the right” causing problems like the media always likes to portray; it was, yet again, someone on “the left” causing trouble and ruining it for all. They demanded the thread be closed, and yep, it’s gone–wiped entirely. 8 years with President Trump will be great, friends!
I went & looked up the issue.
HSN wasn’t being political. They were only reacting to a boycott.
That sheds a whole new light on it. They were in a no-win situation.
I still love you HSN. :heart:
I too am very upset by HSN taking liberal sides instead of remaing impartial. And now I also see how HSN is censoring threads like these, since they are not necessarily appearing on the recent post page, even with brand new postings. This further errodes trust in HSN’s credibility and genuiness toward us.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
24 Replies
06.18.16 2:03 PM
0 Participants