help/advice please
I purchased at least 8 of the joy hanging jewelry storage items. So long ago they are no longer available, and that is how long I have been attempting to erradicate the horrible odor eminating from them. My plan was to (last Christmas) sort jewelry and put in these jewelry cases to distribute to family members, cause at my age would rather give to them now. I tried on nice windy days to hang/air out in the sun to no avial. Brought a couple indoors, and they stunk up the whole house. Geeze a year in the garage & they still stink. Nasty. Has anyone been able to get rid of the stink?? sprayed with lysol, fabric refresher, perfume, put in dryer on fluff with fabric softener sheets, and nothing worked. Must I throw all out and waste so much money? Thanks for any input.
I am at a loss. I hate that your plans are spoiled for your family members. It was such a sweet idea. Sorry, I do not have any ideas for how to help you. Good luck. I hope someone will.
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2 Replies
11.20.16 12:57 PM
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