Favorites–on Website – suggestion to HSN
Dear HSN Website Developer Team: I would like request to website developement an upgrade to the HEART… favorites… or more accurate ADDITION.
I use the favorites <3 to decyher and help me decide what i’d like for a wish list, rather than actual purchase.
Currently & I LOVE that when i check whether i have made a REVIEW IT helps me remember if I bought something -{usually a craft item}. It either shows me the ”Rate Product Review” or says I’ve already rated, or NEVER Bought. That’s AWESOME…BUT only way to know. {Outside of looking it up in order history} Both time consuming.
If we could review, and add’s a highlighted STAR -reminding us we bought it already. {Maybe even give points as incentive to review as a bonus?} we’ll spend more time looking over new items.
Would it be possible to add a STAR next to the Heart?…so we can use the Heart FAVORITES as it should be showing we’d love to buy the item {and be notified when quantities get low} and an Open Star could be for notice that something we bought and loved need reviewed… 🙂 It could be a outlined star that after we review we click to highlight or be automatic highlighted “once review is processed?”
This way a person gets a better idea on how an item rates; With more making effort to review.
I know i’m not alone in sometime’s trying to remember if we bought a certain item, Example: ”craft kit” cause it might be something we love and want to buy again…so hopefully can be put on both STAR and HEART lists…
Thank you for considering.
Linda B
Hi Great thoughts! I’ll forward them along to the web team for you.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2 Replies
11.23.16 2:11 AM
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