Conversation – 10
Hello Peeps good to see you again and welcome to
Conversation – 10. I am well into my second year of doing this Thread.
It’s a small Thread where people can drop in and say hello or want to hear a lyric or two.
We have Loaf, Mooncat, Steve, LuckyRuby, Taci and Tamrick among others.
Music and Fashion is my passion. I am a avid Heidi Daus Collector so I do cover a lot of Heidi Daus.
Also other jewellers as well. I hope you enjoy it.
Good Morning girls. LuckyRuby welcome back. Mooncat beautiful cake for Deek.
Loaf out shopping early you go:womanlol:
Going to be a long day. I hope everyone enjoy! Keep shopping I am here off and on.
LuckyRuby I am glad you like the Fashion Show. It popped up in my head.
As you know everyday I start with a blank canvas and then my mind starts to move.
Also a special thank you for the pics you did for me starting Thread 10. Cheers:catlol:
Shout Out to Skyler:heart:
…………hello Mooncat 🙂
Hello Everyone ………. work just blew up ! So, it’s been one job then off to the next 🙁
Was in Pittsburgh again today………….
There is SO MUCH going on …. Sheba, you totally outdid yourself with all the fashion WOW I just LOVE it all……… and all your Heidi jewelry pics !!! And I saw them on the other thread too 🙂 I just adore that turquoise bee :heart: I LOVE them ALL !!! I never tire of seeing your collection and it always makes my day … Thank you !
HSN does not capture the SPARKLE in her pieces the way you do !
Mooncat……… jelly jelly jelly …. I really need to find an orange orchid….so AMAZING ! Orange flowers are beautiful 🙂
Fashion in the Forest …. awesome. gosh, I’d truly love to dress like that and run around the forest LOL with Great music playing :womanwink:
My bee jewelry should be arriving at the return center any day now 🙁
Happy Belated Birthday to Deek and Sweetheartpines !!!!!!!! 🙂
And Deek …. my thoughts and prayers are with you today … and always. Losing someone is never easy, but, I could not even begin to imagine what you have been through :heart:
Hi LOAF :):heart: Stay safe in these storms. We’ve had some boomers here too ! Surrounding areas have lost power for hours. “Water Balloons” ….. oh yes !!! Those were the good old days for sure! Remember the ‘sprinkler’ hoses …. the flat hose that had all the holes in it 🙂 My parents would lay it in the yard so we could run through it !!!
TAMRICK ( my fellow Cancer on the cusp on Leo…. I’m the 20th) …. I am EXACTLY like you….sensitive, but, with those same Leo traits 🙂
I am so sorry for all that you have been through also…. Life is hard, isn’t it? But, I think we are all VERY STRONG women ….. and we always make it :heart:
There is no doubt that this life is a journey….full of ups and downs, and I believe we are placed where and with whom at certain times in our lives…and someday we will see how it all fits together, even if we don’t understand it now.
You talked about having a “gut feeling” that day ….. do you get those alot? I know I do……
See you all tomorrow (today 🙂 ) :heart:
It is still 9/10 here….
Deeklez my heart is with you..
Serena Williams Striped Faux Fur Vest
Another great post! Wow incredible thank you for sharing.
I am shocked you went through all that. I prey you are feeling better too.
My 9/11 Horrid Experience 15 years ago……
The morning was bright & sunny. I was on my way to work & something just didn’t feel right in my gut, I had a feeling something was just not right. I never listened to the radio in the mornings on my way to work as I liked the peace and quiet before the hustle & bustle of my day.
I worked for a huge major well known bank, I pulled into my parking place as usual not knowing anything of course & then I walked to the front & saw guards & armored cars & wondered what is going on???? I put my pass key at the gate & went thru the turnstile & all at once I entered into a mad house!! People were screaming, running, crying, laying on the ground & some were staring at the TV. Suddenly, I knew my gut feeling had been right, something was wrong, very wrong!
I then looked at the TV and saw all this black smoke & saw at that moment this huge plane go into the tower, I thought I was going to faint. Everyone was scurrying around and then all of a sudden for some reason the foreign people started disappearing and I couldn’t understand still what was going on, I believe I was in shock.I figured it out then that they allowed all the foreign employees to leave the building as they feared there might have been some backlash of some employees acting like idiots and possibly mistreating the employees which I think would have been horrible, but I am glad they allowed them to go home so they didn’t have to deal with that as they seemed so scared as well as embarrassed and I felt bad as they shouldn’t have felt embarrassed as they had no part in any thing.
They locked us down & I had to go to my desk which faced a huge window that stretched the whole distance of the office, my bank was right beside an airport. I was then told that there was a no fly zone. I had to pull myself together & start my day of work meanwhile the horribleness of those TV’s everywhere continued to be on showing the horrific pictures and people running and screaming & then it showed where the other plane went down in Pennsylvania. I look out my office window and there is a small plane flying and I am totally shook up as I thought there was a no fly zone for everyone & I wondered why this plane was flying and it was flying around the front of my window and was flying very low. I don’t know to this day if it was landing at the airport beside us or what, but you can imagine how I felt when I saw the front of an airplane coming right at me after seeing the horror on TV. It totally creeped me out.
My brother inlaw was working at the Pentagon that day & I had to work several hours worrying and worrying about his safety and hurting so bad emotionally for all the people in New York & in Shanksville, PA where those men selflessly gave their lives & that plane went down that was headed for the Pentagon. Emotionally, I just couldn’t handle anymore seeing all the people panicking, crying, screaming and running as I am a very emotional, caring person & it broke my heart that day thinking of all the loved ones that kissed their husbands, wives, girlfriends,boyfriends, children, etc goodbye that morning not knowing a thing or expecting anything but to see their loved ones returning home in the evening and all would be well.
I, for one will never forget that day & I grieved for months for all that lost loved ones & tonight & tomorrow I will be in prayer for all those who lost their loved ones, innocent beautiful people that were just like I was, going about my day, going to work minding their business and bringing home a paycheck, for all those that are on this forum if you have lost a loved one because of 9/11 my heart breaks for you & I am so, so sorry you had to go thru that and lose your loved ones & so sorry you had to pick up the pieces and move forward as I know that had to be devastating. I cannot and will not be watching the television broadcast they are having, it is not to be disrespectful or to have forgotten it and have moved on, it’s just I can’t handle looking at that devastation and going thru the heartbreak in my mind again. I will never forget but I don’t need to see the pictures again as I lived it that day. Working a 12 hour shift and having to see TV’s everywhere & blaring loud showing all that horror was enough for me & I had to pull myself together & be professional, do my job & speak with people handling their bankruptcy & foreclosure issues which was the last thing that I wanted to do that day, it was the most devastating, depressing, draining 12 hour day.
My other worse day on the job is when I had a guy commit suicide on the phone with me & I did all I could to stop him, I got my supervisor’s attention had him call the police in CA, I could hear them breaking his door down and I kept speaking with him calmly and lovingly & tried all I could to talk him out of it and then I heard the gun go off,I would never know the man ever but I tried all I could to try to get him not to do it,that happened to me on the job in 2000, I had to leave work right after that call as I just couldn’t handle it.
I guess why I am writing these things is life is short and you never know what is going to happen & my grandmother always taught me that common courtesy doesn’t cost a cent. You never know that just by a smile or a compliment or a kind word or a little help how you can brighten someones day or unknowingly prevent them from doing something harmful to themselves or others. We never know what is going on on the inside of others lives, they may be smiling on the outside and crying on the inside.
May God bless each and everyone of you & keep you safe, secure & most importantly not alone tomorrow. I pray you will be with a loved one or friend tomorrow and not alone.
Sweet dreams my friends, I care about each and everyone of you more than you realize……….
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
4,016 Replies
03.06.17 4:57 AM
0 Participants