Am I too old for a Drone? LOL!
So I’m almost 60 but I sure would like a drone. I’ve always wanted to see what’s in back of my house. There is a “greenbelt” in back of my house. It’s more of a brownbelt. I live in TX…LOL!
Anyway, I really would like a drone to play with but I don’t want to be accused of being a voyuer in my neighborhood. I happen to live in a very paranoid neighborhood. My neihbors are very annoying. The day after Thanksgiving, some people were illegally popping fireworks and my alerts starting going off. My neighbors thought we were under attack!
NO! You are not too old! If you have annoying scaredy cat neighbors that should not stop you from living your life .
Some people are locked into panic mode and never learn to enjoy anything .
I think having a drone would stoke up you life and perhaps even theirs . Give those folks a stir …. haha
NO, you’re not too old! We were up at my Mom’s recently, she’s 85. We’d taken up a Virtual Reality device. When you look through it you can see 360 degrees around you. You can look up, down, sideways…complete view of EVERYTHING. The more you move your head to look around, the more you see. It’s as if you are really there at the moment. Your body reacts as if you’re there. We’d loaded some underwater videos, other nations (Indonesia, China, Africa etc etc). There was even a video on there of the view from a helicopter above NY city. She was so astonished that she went to get her friend that is 96 to take a look at it. The funniest thing was when my Mom put this on herself (it goes on your head)…she began laughing and said “lead me to a chair!” (she had been standing up). AMAZING. It was literally allowing her to see things that would have been unthinkable a few short years ago.
This single event made such an impact on her that she told all my siblings and my aunts about this. I videotaped her reactions as she was watching. Oh my! Don’t ever think you’re “too old” to enjoy the new technology that’s available. When I graduated from college, I had gotten my first hand held calculator. We’ve come a LONG way since then. Let us know what it’s like when you get that drone! :heart::womanhappy:
Go For it!!!!!
Thank you for your responses. You all made me smile.
, I love that story about your Mom. I’ve seen those Virtual Reality devices on commercials.
, oh, I bet the drone would give them a stir alright. I really like my neighborhood, but that’s the only thing I don’t like. If my drone “accidently” flew into someone’s backyard, they would probably call the cops!
, I like your 2 cents!
Ok, y’all, I’ll give it more thought.
I was in my back yard and heard a buzzing noise. Sure enough it was one of those drone things running low on power and flying low. Since this was pretty much my air space, I gave it a good swat and brought it down. I’m waiting for someone to come to my front door to claim it. It’s been a week or so now.
I’ve lived three different places in TX. Love it and the people, however, be prepared to have your drone shot out of the air if someone doesn’t like it. Word! Check your local ordinances as some towns are starting to make rules about flying spaces. My brother still lives there. He’ll back be up about shooting down the drone. I say no more.
As far as too old. Phew! You aren’t too old to do anything you feel like doing or having. Being old gives you permission to not worry about what people think about you anymore. Sunbathing in the back yard nude? Now that would be a serious question. Drone? Go girl. I’m assuming you’re female because a man would not ask this question. He would have that drone already.
Be sure to get the GPS tracker so when it’s shot down you can find it.:womanlol:
HSN has up to 20% off drones ad at the top of the page.
OMG, I forgot about greenbelts! I grew up in Houston and Kingwood. Your neighbors prob won’t like a drone, LOL. Go for it!!
, OMG, how funny! I would have done the same thing. I don’t plan on “spying” on people. I just want to fly it around my backyard and check out the greenbelt in back of my house.
, Yes, I’m female in my late 50’s. So far, I haven’t seen any drones around my neighborhood except for one neighbor who checks out people’s roofs to check for damage.
, Thanks for the info. I’m going to check it out.
, I already told one of my next door neighbors about the drone, but I told her that I wouldn’t fly it in her backyard unless I wanted to copy her landscaping…LOL!
, hey you. My neighbor just laughed. Thought it was funny. She’s always having some work done in her yard. My yard is blah. There’s a shed, that’s it. I recently had the door rehung on my shed. Previous owners just threw on a door and an interior door at that. No wonder it wouldn’t close. I’m always having mini projects going on. I just finished painting my home office. I just need to touch up. Took me 2 weekends to get it done, but I got it done
I had to come back on this thread and tell you what my niece just gave me. It was my old POGO STICK! When she was 9yrs old, I gave it to her as she’d asked for it I’d gotten it as a gift from my Grandparents when I was in the 6th grade. I loved it then and I love it now. When I first got it, my Grandmother is the one that showed me how to used it properly. Well, since it was my Grandmother that showed me how to use it, I figure I’m not too old to use it…again. It’s not all fancy like the ones they have now. However, it brings back many great memories plus still being able to use it is a real confidence booster. I found one online like the one I have. VERY rustic in comparison to the versions they have today, yet, I don’t care…it’s fun. :heart::womanvery-happy:
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
12 Replies
12.10.16 12:37 AM
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