Thank you no more Double Tickets
Thank you HSN. I have spent WAY to much time on Fridays playing these games. For What? For Points for prizings that I have almost no chance of winning? I play because I like too – not for prizes. But, in the meantime, I have bought things and spent extra money, and spent time playing when I should be working. So Thank you, HSN. I now have my life back.
FBN135 you are so funny!!!
Less incentive to play = less incentive to pay.
You crack me up Floridagone! but so true, so true! Please may you never see my name on the top ten overall ticket leaderboard, those people should pause and reflect. :womanwink:
you should keep playing. I won once and it was a nice surprise. It is all in fun.
They were tickets. What harm was there in giving doube tickets? One gets only to spend tickets on the selected gifts ten times each, and on the Game of the Week, 20 tickets. ‘
I have never won either. I enjoyed playing With no double tickets, it is way too time consuming to win enough tickets to enter the contests. I don’t have that kind of time
Oh well. It was not like HSN or the company that manages the Arcade was giving out cash. SMH.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
6 Replies
02.05.17 12:58 AM
0 Participants