Spellbound Scores
Does anyone know how the heck people are getting 12k – 19k scores? My highest is just over 11,000 and I had to work my butt off for it? Is there a hidden bonus? It’s driiving me nuts.
, , My all-time high is 15000-something, but I probably average a daytime high of 12-14,000.
Games are not created equal. Since your score is higher the more words you make, if you get a word like BRANDED that makes dozens of words, there’s a potential to get a higher score than if you get ANNEXES that only makes a few. So in some games I can make all the words and only get a score of 8000, and in other games I’ll get 12000 and not have gotten them all.
I haven’t figured out the scoring but it seems that longer words are worth more than shorter words, and the value of words decreases as the timer goes down. I use the keyboard to type the words because I can do it much faster that way, and the faster you go, the more words you can enter while the timer is still high.
Hope this helps.
You do get a time bonus anytime you can get all the words for a set of letters; but if you’re getting 11,000, you probably already know that. My high is around 8,500 so I don’t pretend to know much about the high scores. Boodlemum, who’s #10 right now for today, is the only name I recognize from the community. Maybe she’ll see this and give you some idea.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
3 Replies
03.04.17 10:25 PM
0 Participants