Please just stop with these ALL WHITE PUZZLES
These practically all white puzzles like todays Prai take too long to finish and are extremely hard on my eyes. What is the point? except to aggravate. The product is so faint in the puzzle you don’t even know what it is..
I so agree!
That would mess my eyes ups! more colors please.
I tend to agree with you..Its as if someone goes through all the product photos and finds the one with the least color to use for the puzzle sometimes..There has to be brighter,more colorful photos of all the products rather than the washed out ones like today.
I like the white background, but would love larger, colorful designs of the products. I have problems with my eyes also.
I love the OP’s comment about the TS being “so faint in the puzzle you don’t even know what it is.”
Hardly what you’d call a showcase!
I agree with all the comments made, from hard on our eyes for a lot of us (myself included), as well as too much white and pale colors . I appreciate the fact that possibly the white and pale colors make
the puzzle more difficult, but it is also kind of tedious too….. so more color would be nice!
Hello, I agree with problems with so much white in puzzle. Can HSN at least make the subject of the puzzle in bright colors. Thanks!!!:smileyhappy:
I just wish that the puzzle would be the same color that was on the advertisement.
I tried to reply yesterday but things seemed to be working against me. If you’re stuck on a monotone background or subject I have found it helpful to know the shapes of the pieces. They never change. The third piece from the left in the top row is always the same. The tenth piece from the bottom in the second column from the right is always the same. The cut of the puzzle pieces never changes and if you get to “know” a couple in each section of the puzzle it can be helpful. But now, that will probably change.
Here we go again.A little color but not much.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
12 Replies
01.09.17 6:28 AM
0 Participants