JPA-22- Just Playin’ Around 22
Welcome to JPA-22 (Just Playin’ Around 22)!
This thread is about the HSN Arcade, although it can get off-topic as we chat with each other about the games(tips, questions, problems and accomplishments), our activities and daily life, special interests, pets, the Reward Prizes, shopping, avatars, how to post pictures, food and the HSN features.
We enjoy meeting new people as well as continuing the friendships we’ve made. So whether you want to make a one-time post or ‘talk’ multiple times daily, join in. Ask your questions, make a comment or just say Hi! We’d love to hear from you!
We also all try to get together on Friday evenings during HSN Game Night (8 PM Eastern) to answer the Trivia questions(assuming they work!) to earn tickets and to laugh and chat. So join in the fun and get some tickets.
We have newbie gamers as well as die-hard players whose names you’ll see on the leaderboards. Even if you have never played a game in the arcade, post your question and someone here will help out. We like to surprise each other and make each other laugh. So bring your sense of humor and join in the fun!
Thank you JShine. Be careful, laughter I guess, sometimes may not be good medicine.
Help!!! Everytime i answer the questions it gives me the oops error message.
Phwee, Sorry I freaked and went to that ‘other’ thread for the answer because I was nodding out and was afraid I’d completely zonk and miss it!
false for 100 tickets (spin2win)
Where did everyone go?
Boy, by the typos I am sleepier than I thought.
those sheep look like they rolled it red velvet cake! And cupcakes are good at a picnic! I am falling asleep. Pass the coffee thermss please…
I am still here friends, but fading fast. Am trying to
put some smiles on your comments and faces. Nice
group here tonight, but I think we are missing some
faces. Hope they make it home before tomorrow.
God bless. Will be in and out for a bit.
alien for 100 tickets (alien attack)
alien for 100 points
Okay guys, I should have stated rather than assUMED that good weather was implied because it was a picinic. My Boo-Boo. I can’t see your critter friends but you’re all welcome to hep yourselfs! 🙂
Got you some new footwear for you
true for 100 tickets (adam and amy in 2008)
I wear a hat especially in the winter….
Showed me a new toy and it has made me happy.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
868 Replies
04.05.17 6:22 PM
25 Participants