Fire HD gaming issues…
Please forgive me if this issue has already been addressed, I browsed through the arcade threads and could not see a similar post. But…does anyone know why the arcade games no longer work properly on the more recent Kindle Fire HD tablets?
I am able to load and play the various tablet-friendly games just fine. However, when the games are completed, my scores will not submit and I never receive my tickets or credit for having played them. It’s like I just get stuck on a loading loop and the page never advances. No forward or backward. No completed submission. I just have to close the browser tab out. Is this common or is anything underway with the arcade team to address this issue?
I know that after the most recent Amazon update I have been unable to play many of my purchased games, (Sob. How can I have a proper Halloween without my zombies?) as they are no longer compatible with the Fire HD OS. Is the HSN arcade problem a similar situation? And if so, are there any plans in the works to fix it? Or is it just going to be an “ignore it till it goes away” scenario like Amazon seems to be taking on the matter?
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Posted in HSN Arcade
1 Replies
10.26.16 8:42 PM
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