We R Memory Keepers Laser Square problem — can’t adjust beam — HELP!
I’m hoping someone who purchased the We R Memory Keepers Laser Square tool can help me…
I finally received my purchases from Craft Day and just opened the Laser Square. It seems to work fine except that the laser beams are slightly angled instead of straight, which kind of defeats the purpose of the entire product.
The instructions say to twist the little triangle things to straighten the beam, but on my laser square, one of the triangles doesn’t turn at all, and the other one will turn enough to fix the beam but as soon as I let go of the triangle, it goes right back to its original misaligned position.
This seems like a very cool item and I would like to keep it, so I’m hoping someone will have some ideas for me on how to get it working correctly. I read all of the reviews and it seems like others are having the same problem and are returning their laser squares to HSN, but after having waited so long to get it, I would hate to not even be able to use it!
Thanks for any ideas, tips, or advice! :smileyhappy:
maybe you got a defective one?
did you check the reviews to see if anyone else had this problem? I’d consider contacting CS for an exchange.
? I’m sorry to hear you are having this problem. I’m not sure if it is a new product (I did not order it), but maybe you could try searching utube to see if there is any how to or help videos available?
Good Luck, and I hope you get it working properly and don’t have to send it back(it seemed like such a nice item when they presented it on air).
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10.31.16 12:53 AM
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