Request for Origami Designers
Hi. I love your products. I have 4 of your original large shelving units, covers, & shelf liners. What a miracle they are in my garage & my home office. I was looking at your foldable computer desk (item 486447) this morning, and thought how much i need a drafting table in addition to the computer desk, but it is getting crowded in my home office. ** I was wondering if you can design & offer a convertible desk & drafting table (vertical extending). The top could have rhe option of an angle or horizontal surface. That way, some folks who are purchasing convertible elevated desks (helps alleviate/avoid back troubles from sitting all the time) could use for that, AND/OR as a drafting table. What a great option for those of us with smaller home offices. Y’all are so creative…thought you might have a great market for this type Origami product. Thanks.
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Posted in Home
1 Replies
01.10.17 2:43 PM
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