please treat me with respect HSN
Hi the whole late crafts thing that happened to me I did not bash HSN etc. I waited they FINALLY came. I put my trust back in them ordered something else says its due on the 11th, I chatted online with someone they just gave me the brush off and kept saying thank you have a great day trying to end the chat. i dont see how my order will here in FOUR days when it hasnt even shipped yet? Please give me the same respect and courtesy I gave you HSN
, I’m sorry we weren’t able to provide an update earlier and for another delay. It looks like your order’s delivery has been extended to 11/18. That’s all the information I have available now.
I feel like the same thing is happening to me. I wish HSN would stop sending me advertising, until the thing that I ordered on 10/19 has been received. I refuse to look at any of their adds because I feel it’s just leading up to more disapointment. I think waiting this long for a legitmate answer, not “we changed our process” deserves more than $10.00 Ka$$…. I am going to use it so I can be disappointed again?!!
Although I eventually received my orders place on Craft day, Since my order placed on October 28th is still in “packaging” limbo I guess the issues with shipping have not been fixed. I have to admit I am hesitant to place any other orders
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11.11.16 6:57 AM
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