Help! Flex Pay?
Hello, I was wondering if anyone had any idea on when HSN will be having their flex pay on everything promotion? I am after the Silhouette Cameo 3 and it is not offered with flex pay. I waited since August to get one of these, but now with all the holiday expenses:smileysad: I really am hoping to get with the flex pay option as a b-day present to myself:smileytongue:. If anyone has any info on when this item might have the flex pay option or when it will be offered on all items please, please, please let me know, thanks in advance!! :smileyhappy::heart:
I agree I was waiting for HSN to have it hoping I would get it through the flex pay. It is very disappointing to not see it offered on that item. I will be looking and hopefully I’ll be able to find it in a bundle or at a better price elsewhere. I just realized that they offer 4 flex pay option on the Cameo 2 but not on the Cameo 3:smileysad:
Hi CraftyMrs… This makes absolutely no sense to me, some of the policies on this website. I see plenty of items that cost $40-80 dollars on 3 flex plays, yet a very expensive $270.00 gets no flex play? Where’s the logic there?
I feel for your situation. With no flex pay on this item,, maybe you can look elsewhere for it, and find it cheaper. Since flex play is one of the very reasons many of us shop here, to make alot of things fit more comfortably in our budgets..
, we don’t seem to have any upcoming planned but I’d recommend signing up for our promotional emails so you can get notified if we do have something coming up! You can get signed up by visiting the “My Account” link followed by the “Communication Preferences” option at the top of our site.
, our FlexPay on everything promotions usually take place during the holidays, but I’ll see if I can find out if we have another one coming up soon.
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01.13.17 2:39 PM
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