Don’t Like Joy Mangano’s Huggable Hangers – Waste of Money
I would like to know how most of you feel about Joy Mangano’s huggable hangers. Why do so many rave about them??? I purchased 3 closets worth of hangers last year; it was a really big set of over 100 hangers and/or items in each box. I started with my 22 yr. old sons closet and found the clips for pants to be way to small to hold jeans or any pants. Could only use for summer shorts. The hangers can’t be used for cotton T-shirts or heavier things like jackets or sweat shirts. They would break too. I was hoping to have that perfect closet the way Joy shows it on TV. You can only use them for light weight things or open front tops. Trying to get a T-shirt on these hangers is a feat and struggle. His closet is still a mix of hangers for different types of clothes and fabric. I wish she wouldn’t tell us that we can have that perfect closet when she knows that her hangers don’t work for ALL types of fabric and clothes. [-x I have two boxes that I don’t plan on using; guess I will put them in my yardsale and continue to use my colored plastic hangers from 20 years ago.
I wrote months ago about how horrible her hanggers are. I had said all of my clothers had so cll “horns” on them. my husbands suit coa and sport coats are a mess i had to buy suit hangers becaause i was expecting great things with these I wish i could tell everyone not to waste their money on them. this is false advertizing
ALL of Joy Mangano’s products have a poor quality. I do not understand why someone wants hangers with her name on them? Or if she needs to put her name on she should make it smaller. Same with her purses? Why would I carry a purse with her name on it? Is she in the same group of designers like Vince Camuto or Shariff? ???? No! She is not. Make more understated, not in your face! All her products are copy with ” improvements” not inventions! Watch her excitement when she sees the amount of products she is selling! Having your entire family working for HSN does not make you special! Most of the latest staff she came up with is junk! Sorry, but I can not stand ” fashion designers who did not make a dress in their life ( people they hire do that, they just put their name on them and sell them at crazy prices) and people that buy others ideas and then make a fortune selling as theirs! But we are guilty for buying them. All her hangers fall apart! I just buy from Marshall’s or TJ Max and are THE SAME!! If they break is no problem, buy more! The price is MUCH cheaper!
Do not think I do not like what HSN is selling! A LOT of products are wonderful and good quality! But some, like JM are over rated!
I have Joy huggable hangers in expresso from awhile back and they are fine. Recently, I decided to add to my hangers and ordered Orchid Purple and the Lavender. The Lavender was fine, but the Orchid Purple was not so fine! Looked like the hangers were dipped in bleach. The color was running, which I thought it was said wouldn’t happen. Needless to say I returned defective. I seriously am leary to buy anymore of her hangers. Like another reviewer said before me, bring back the heavy duty hangers and call it a day. I would pay a little more for better quality. Why does everyone have to go cheap? Stop cutting corners people! You know what you want in a product, so make that same product for us to buy. Everytime I see it, customers say they are always willing to pay more for the quality. I hope Joy see’s these chats and re-thinks her designs. Bring back the days of old, where the products are better and last longer!!
My closets are full of them and have nothing but great things to say about them! Perfect product!
I finally got up the nerve to ask my friend if the Joy’s hangers I had given her as a gift a year ago were ok. She said she had only used one pack (not sure how they were packaged) and only used them for blouses, nothing heavy. The hook broke off of one but otherwise they were ok. I don’t think that bodes well for the rest of the order, however. She plans on using them in her coat closet, so i shared the reviews and my concerns with her. I wish Joy would come out with the old hanger and charge more and just call it the heavy duty hanger if she has to.
I guess enough people throw them out and don’t return them that she still makes money even though they are shoddy compared to the old hanger. Don’t let sellers make a victim out of you ladies! The older I get the tougher I get. You will have to, too, wait and see. :robotmad:
I have her old school ones. Back before there were knock offs and she didn’t offer color choices. They are amazing quality. I’ve had them for many years and think I’ve broken like 3 ever. Each time by something major like stepping on one.
What a shame if the new ones aren’t the same! I am obsessed with mine and wouldnt’ trade them for anything.
I threw the ones I bought out. The hooks came out, and the hangers were terrible. I also believe when they first came out they were probably good, but not the newer ones. I think this is pretty typical of a lot of products.
That is sad to hear,
I have three closets filled with Joy Mangano HH. The colors are black, mint and gold. I would not trade them for any other type of hanger. From large coats to multi items on one hanger I love them. I have clothes washed that can not be dried, no problem for my HH. I have never had a fade issue from the hangers.
I use the Fragrance sticks and love them also.
The theme here seems to be: Old ones great, recent ones awful. I sent some to a friend last year as a gift and I’m appalled that I may have sent her something that breaks when she uses them. She hasn’t mentioned them and I’m afraid to ask. On the demo this past week they were showing one holding a big fur coat. I have a feeling that wouldn’t last long on the new hangers, from what I’m reading. I’d love to have some for myself, but really am put off by the reviews on the recent ones. Some of the people who say they love them don’t say how long they have had them. Might make a difference.
Joy Mangano is not the only one who has her inventions made in China.. I have bought many of her huggable hangers and have been quite pleased. They’re in my closet, my husbands closet, he uses the pant hangers and my coat closet. I also use them to hang wet laundry on. I also purchased for a gift for my daughter and she likes them too.
I had a couple break but so did the old plastic type. These are so much nicer and they take up less space. I don’t understand all the Joy bashing.
I bought a large amount of joy’s hangers for all of my closets several years back. I have not had a problem with them, and they look like new.:smileyhappy:
Don’t like anything from Joy Mangano PERIOD! All her items are pure junk made in China!
I love these hangers because they do take up much less space in the closet. I agree they are hard to use for pull-overs but they don’t leave hanger marks on the shoulders, “slippery” clothes stay put and I have pretty much replaced all my hangers with Huggables. My only suggestion would be to give the hangers a tiny bit more bendability so it isn’t so difficult to put pull-over tops on them. I think that is why people are saying they break – I have broken several because of trying to bend them to get pull-overs on them. They obviously were not designed to do that, unfortunately.
Those of us who bought them at the beginning have great quality hangers. I have some that are more recent, (last few years) and the quality has degraded. They are weaker and break. I love the originals. They take up less space, clothes stay put and wet clothes do not bleed. That is all legit. The problem is manufacturing to cut cost and raise profits over the years. I blame HSN. I would rather pay more for quality, espcially with hangers, which is an investment in my closet. I won’t dare bring a wood or plastic , wire hanger in my coset.
I don’t have an opinion with JM hangers but, I do with most of her other items and find the vast majority to be absollute JUNK. ALL made in China. She used to “give” bonuses with her hanger Today Specials and I got fooled into buying, only to find the bonus items were so junky I couldn’t give them away at a yard sale. I can tell anybody why EVERYTHING made in China is pure junk and sub-par since my son has lived in China, while working for an American company, for 6 years. His initial job position was trying to fix the quality problem at the factory. He has told me horror stories over the years of how lax and unconcerned the Chinese people are about what they produce. And of how they do business. He describes it as the wild, wild west where there are no laws and no oversight and no agencies to perform in this capacity. It’s a free fall. The company he is with is in the process now of moving their factory work to Mexico and out of China. As long as Joy continues using the same factories she will continue to produce pure junk. Everything from her jewelry cases, jewelry boxes, pillowcases and on & on. Please, HSN, stop using guests who send jobs overseas.
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02.21.17 11:16 PM
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