Christmas Card Sending A Very Personal Tradition!!!
With this world becoming more and more tech savvy and impersonal when it comes to communication, I’m glad I still practice sending handwritten and personalized Christmas Cards. This goes for any holiday, nowadays it’s all about e-cards, texts , and insta-everything. Both my Grandmother and Mother always have instilled in me the importance of keeping in touch with loved one’s through good ole fashioned handwritten and personalized Holiday cards.
I personally prefer receiving a Christmas card that was thoughtfully picked out for me and personalized with that persons warmth and personality. Better yet if the card is homemade… Nothing against technology, but it’s so sterile and impersonal. Ofcourse, all greetings are welcome, but taking the time to send a handwritten greeting is always best. :heart:
What are your thoughts on this old and personal tradition? :womanhappy:
I totally agree with all of you…and RetlawG74, GREAT TOPIC!
Every Christmas I do get really beautiful, religious cards. Then I will take the time out to always write a individual message to whom I am sending…making it personal to them. After the message (which I write in green and red glitter jel pens) I have beautiful rubber stamps that I put in red ink then stamp the inside with them. The images are SANTA, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, A CHRISTMAS TREE, and others. When the individual receives it and opens it…the card is so PERSONAL and very FESTIVE. Everyone always calls me and loves it so much. So, I have to say I love the good old personal tradition, and will always do this every year.
For me there is nothing better than receiving a hand picked out card with a personal note handwritten inside. They took the time to stand in that aisle and search for just the right one…..that’s my best gift.:heart:
I get personalized cards from at least two former bosses every year. The Realtor who sold me my home more than twenty years ago also sends a made for the company calendar.
I think it is a nice gesture. Everything is so tech driven that people will forget how to write their names soon. LOL. That’s what I tell my son all the time (heehee). He loves his gadgets. I prefer making a shopping list with pen and paper. All in all sending Christmas cards and other handwritten notes have dwindled greatly.
The actual steps of writing is also good for the brain.
There have been some years when I think I won’t send any, or at least fewer, Christmas cards. But then I think: No, I’ve been doing this since I was 16–why stop now! I also send greeting cards, some homemade, on other occasions to family and friends. I even have my granddaughter over often to make cards for the special people in her life. She loves it. Also, my mother taught me the importance of sending a handwritten thank you note; something I passed on to my daughters.
Sure, I send greetings by text or on social media too, but I’m not giving up a tradition that I enjoy.:smileyhappy:
Back in the ‘old days’ people with money used to go to the stationery stores at Christmas and order cards and envelopes. Their names would be printed inside and their address printed on the envelope. I don’t know that an actual person ever handled one. I guess they had so many business and social acquaintances that they couldn’t write them all. What a waste of trees.
A card from the Dollar Tree with a real signature has a special place in my heart. I still hand write thank-you notes, so I’m really a dinosaur. Glad you are carrying on the tradition. :heart:
I LOVE the tradition of handwritten cards. It’s my mom’s thing, so it’s special to me. Homemade cards are extra sweet. :heart:
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12.24.16 11:54 PM
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