Wonder Core Exercises
Can anyone advise which exercises target the lower body? Specifically the butt and thighs… The chart that comes with this is very limited and the DVD is useless. It seems all exercises are geared to upper body and abs.
I just finally took mine out of the box today. The 4 1/4 inch wide floor mat it comes with is a joke. It doesn’t help anything-if you don’t want the unit to slide then you need to use it on the carpet. I was expecting the full size green mat they showed everybody using during the TS. And, yes, I guess the leg/butt excersizes are supposed to be the scissor kicks and bicycle, but mostly an ab machine. Kind of mis-leading on the TS. Also, the round things aren’t real comfortable and kind of dig into my back, but I don’t have much meat there. lol. I’m hoping my back gets used to it, cuz it seems like it WILL be a neat little machine for the abs. :womanvery-happy:
Hello. I have used the Wonder Core System with the cords for about two weeks now. The lower body is targeted by the leg exercises (Scissor Kicks) laying down and the Bicycling for the legs (the one sitting in the chair). You can turn the resistamce to a harder level while doing these exercises to see more benefit for your legs. Be careful not to do too much too soon as you will work againest yourself and be too sore to continue. This machine is targeted more toward the stomach/ab area. This is what I really need. Along with the Wonder Core System with the bands I own the Tony Little Gazelle Sprintmaster that definitely targets the legs. Between the two I have lost 8 lbs. and 4 1/2 " in the past 40 days. I didn’t have the Wonder Core until the TSV but it definitely has helped the areas I needed that the Gazelle didn’t do. I work out between 20-30 minutes each day-yes it is hard to be motivated sometimes- but I need to keep my weight down due to A-Fib and pancreatitis-per doctors request. They have approved for me what I am doing. I have learned not to do too many too fast. I used the Wonder Core bands yesterday for the first time and they really work! I hope I have helped answer your questions. Post more and if I can answer I will.
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Posted in Health & Wellness
3 Replies
08.25.15 11:37 PM
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