While sitting upright in my recliner yesterday, I suddenlyfelt a pain in the back of my neck. I rubbed the spot and found that I was bleeding and it hurt. I changed my top and there were several drops of blood on the back of my collar. I’m assuming it was a spider that bit me (may it not rest in peace) as my husband said there were two small marks at the entry points. I was bitten twice, but never could find the actual spider, unfortunately. We had a very mild winter, and creepy crawlies are in abundance.
I was troubled all night not knowing if it was a poisonous spider or not. Today, thankfully, the bite does not look worse. I attribute that to prayer, God. and using salt on a wet cloth and applying it to the site of the bites. Salt can draw out the venom, I guess, and has healing properties. First, however, you’re supposed to apply ice to the area to slow down the spread of the venom, especially if you don’t know if the spider is poisonous, or not..
I’ve never really been afraid of spiders, but I now am more cautious, checking my chair before I sit down, and even check my clothes before putting them on. The spider that bit me may, however, have gotten on me in my car or in the yard. I’ll never know for sure. :womanfrustrated:
Good to hear you’re feeling fine today, guess it wasn’t poisonous. I don’t care for spiders at all. It would have bothered me for days if something bit me and I couldn’t find it. I know there’s spiders and bugs in my house right now, but for some reason I don’t worry about them until I see them.
We live in an area without poisonous spiders, unless you count the brown recluse. Tons of nasty ticks, ‘tho!
I am glad you are feeling fine and it was not a poisonous spider!!!
Oh Flyby2 – just keep your eye on that bite! After doing the salt thing you can also put some peroxide on it to clean out the area. We never know where they came from so not much to do unless you see the critter. Ugh, you have my sympathy….:heart:
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Posted in Health & Wellness
5 Replies
05.18.16 9:25 PM
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