Question TSV Friendley Flora please reply asap.
I read the description of Friendley Flora, but don’t think I like,I got Fibermucil, can anyone who used this Friendly Flora please help & explain the diffrence, today before TSV runs out.I know about the Cranberry.
The UFF contains 4 different kind of "friendly" bacteria. This bacteria populates a number of our internal ecosystems, such as the GI tract and sinuses. The more friendly flora we have, the better we absorb nutrients, fight infection,mand any number of other things. UFF contains more than 25 billion colony forming units (cfu) of the 4 different friendly flora strains.
Fibermucil is mostly intended to be additional fibre. I believe the USDA recommends women get 25g of fiber per day. Fiber adds bulk to stool and helps clean the GI. Since fiber cannot be digested, it sorta "sweeps" its way down the GI tract. This Fibermucil contains one strain of friendly flora (13 billion cfu) versus the 4 (and 25 billion cfu) that the UFF contains. Fibermucil has about 1.1g of fiber per pill. So, you cannot rely on Fibermucil to replace fibre in your diet.
Thank you Jack10037, I now understand the difference between the two, never puchasedFriendly Flora before as many times Anderew had it on ,Fibermucil is for more fiber in diet,so I think I will order the bundle
the big one year supply I know probiiotics I eat plain greek yogurt but according to Andrew that is not enough and some brands have sugar and fruit too sweet I like plain add my own fruit, fresh,frozen or no sugaar cartons or cans.
I have a home delivery frozen fruit and veggies real good natural no added sugars,or excess soduim.
Thank’s have a great Sunday afternoon.
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Posted in Health & Wellness
3 Replies
07.19.15 6:24 PM
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