Not Feeling Like Such A Beauty
I have been moping around not feeling the urge to do my beauty maintenance. Hygiene is done but no more than that. I realized that I had eaten some sugar products and that I got the sugar blues big time. I am staying away from them and getting more umph back.
I was going to get my hair cut to feel better. Re-do how I apply and how much make up I wear to help me feel better. Starve myself. Spend money on things I don’t need. Go some places with no real need to go there. Other things too.
Amazing how much sugar can affect someone – I won’t be unaware or at least be more aware of how much is in the food and drink that I consume. I don’t do much sugar but what little I do really affected me. I look forward to being my energetic and creative self again real soon.
Just sharing.
We all understand here how you feel because as you can see we can feel that way too!! I’m so glad you came here and opened up to us about feeling the way you are. And too much sugar and will make you feel lousy too!! I agree with the post on vitamins and maybe you could be lacking in minerals too!
Perhaps you should go for a complete physical with your doctor, sometimes these feelings of loss of energy and craving a certain type of food and not feeling like the best you could feel could, or maybe a sign of something more going on and a complete physical with blood work may reveal some need for help. For example IDK your medical records, but say perhaps your anemic and need more iron, hence the loss of energy or your thyroid is out of balance!! So many important body imbalances cause so many issues! Where I live in the New England area they always test for Lyme disease because a lot of people feel just so awful and so down from that problem. These are just examples and not what you have has an issue but your General Practioner can help you find out!! Please give him or her a call Monday and start the day with a new promise to take care of you first!! Sometimes we can look after so many people and forget about the number one person first; you!!!
You are the important person and you are beautiful and will feel good again, your body is just at a bump in the road and needs to be taken care of too. Also, once you have your physical get out with really good friends and go for a walk if possible not in the intense heat but maybe early morning or later in the day and talk and have fun with them!! A walk with good friends costs nothing and I’m so sure they would love your company and to get out too!! Once you feel better walking everyday if you can gives you energy and less cravings too! Trust me we ALL feel the way you do!! I look in the mirror and feel like running sometimes and that’s okay, it’s normal. Has women in our society we have a lot pressure with families work and so much more, but one step at a time and you will see that this time in say, in 3 weeks you will not feel this way and not so bad and then before you know it, you feel like you and even better!! Please call your doctor Monday morning and let US ALL here know how you feel!! We care and want to know if we can help you!! PM anyone of us and please look after yourself and know this too shall pass hon, so no worries tonight or tomorrow. Please let us know how you feel and watch something funny on TV tonight and leave the sugar alone and look for more different alternative maybe almonds for a snack which are great and filling or an apple if you need a snack too. And make sure you eat a square meal with all food groups evolved some protein and vegetables and a starch, whole wheat bread is great too and a good carb if made with whole wheat first on the ingredients list. Please remember this, you are beautiful and you’re a lovely person so don’t worry about too much for now, but just about getting better and making sure you’re healthy first and foremost!!! Sorry to write so much but we do care and want you to feel better soon!!!
Love and keep us posted Stella. xxxxxx:womanvery-happy: :heart:
Irenee glad you posted. The forum here (and the people who make the forum what it is) is a great support system and wonderful therapy.
I’m sure most of us have been through this type of situation caused by many different reasons.
Most everyone here would be willing to talk. And many of us will offer prayers for your coming out of the doldrums.:heart:
Hi Irenee… :womanhappy:
Yes…sugar can play havoc with not only mood but energy levels, and can be responsible for cyclical behaviors. Too much sugar may give you an initial ‘bounce’ in energy…only to lead to a precipitous drop in blood sugar….leading to fatigue and yes… depression.
So what do we do? We sometimes grab more sugar or simple carbohydrates in order to again ‘boost’ ourselves, only to be let down again with what people refer to as the ‘sugar blues’.
The first step to remedy is exactly what you’ve done! Recognize and…understand where one of the culprits may be. People sometimes say that we are what we eat. Eating a well balanced diet with minimal simple sugars and simple carbohydrates, can surely lead to a more energetic ‘you’!!!
You’re to be commended for not only looking into what you can do to try to change your blues…but for sharing this with all of us. I’ll bet if you continue to be aware of your diet…that you will begin to lift your spirits too.
Sometimes it helps to fight the urge to ‘give in’ to a feeling. Just getting ourselves together…doing our hair…putting on a nice outfit and getting out of the house, if only to go to the market…can sometimes lift your ‘inner beauty’ and to help you see how wonderful you truly are, and how much you yourself have helped others.
For instance…just your post here shows how sweet and open you are!!!
Thanks so very much for sharing your thoughts with all of us!! :heart: :womanhappy: :heart:
p.s. Please post back and let us know how you’re doing…:heart:
I hope Irenee that you will feel both Beautiful inside and outside soon. Take care. ??
Thanks for sharing. I also feel so much like you on a regular basis. I need to gain weight so I don’t think twice about eating sugar and foods that are no good for me. I would never leave the house without makeup and just today I went out without a stitch on.
Irenee…it’s good that you realized what was happening to you. So many don’t realize it, go running to a Dr, get put on meds they don’t need and start a cycle of never ending drugs that really mess them up. Good for you! And yes, look at all the things you were going to do that you didn’t need to…one that stuck out at me…starve yourself…that’s definitely not good!
But yes, sugar plays crazy things with our bodies…look what it does with kids! But as we get older it does the opposite to us…slows us down, changes our moods…not everything is good.
There is so much on the Internet about the pros and cons of sugar, you have to be careful about what you read. But things from the Mayo Clinic makes for interesting reading.
The important thing is that you realized it and that you can make the changes that will have you getting your bounce back in no time. You should be proud of yourself. (Also, watch out for the sugars in fruits and vegetable too.)
But give yourself a big pat on the back for being so aware of what was happening to you! And thank you for sharing this experience with the rest of us.
I feel like you several days a week due to life in general , but I think about how many people are going through much worse . I am blessed to have a 10 year old at 50 years of age that keeps me pretty busy , but my daughter is a daddy girl lol . Maybe your hormones are acting up like mine.
I gave Andrew Lessman women vitiamins a try and they really help when i remember to take the pills .
I am a Nurse close to retirement . Starving yourself will only make things worse . I try not to talk about how prayer works online to avoid offending members that are athiest . Prayer works for me everytime i call on God . I spend a lot of time watching the Animal and Discovery channel for the few hours i am not on HSN . Good stuff lol .
Try checking the clearance last markdowns on HSN . That will keep you busy for hours . I purchase several items for under 10 bucks . Made my day lol . I hope you feel better soon . My message box is open if you every need to vent . I hope something in my post makes you smile today . :heart:
PS. Play with your hair and makeup when you can . Try something you would never dare to wear lol . My little girl gave me the Taylor swift look last week . I can’t recall the last time i laugh so hard .
Hi Irenee, what we eat and drink sure does affect our quality of life doesn’t it? Hopefully you will be back to your old self soon! Sounds like you’ve made some wonderful plans for when you’re feeling better!!!
Conversation Info
Posted in Health & Wellness
10 Replies
07.27.15 10:17 AM
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