Not enough protein in Secure
I use some of the Lessman products, but there are only 7g of protein per serving in the Secure meal replacement. That is very low compared to similar products that can be purchased elsewhere for a very reasonable price. The one I use has 30G of protein in one serving, is also low fat, low carbs, full of other nutrients, and is ony 160 calories. One other I am familiar with is around 24G and only 100 calories. If there was a higher level of protein I would happily buy Andrew’s instead.
Secure is a meal replacement not a protein supplement. Your body cannot absorb more than 7 to 10 grams of protein at one time. The rest turns into gluecose.
I add two heaping tablespoons of Greek yoghurt and about 4 oz of cashew milk to my Secure which probably brings the protein content up to 20 – 25 grams. I don’t like the shakes with just water so this works for me both taste and protein-wise.
I think this should be marketed as a snack replacement. I’m a fan of some other Lessman products but am concerned that this only has the 7 grams, and the other 7 grams are carbs/sugar. So far I’ve not heard him give the nutritional content which one assume wouild be a major selling point. It wouldn’t be, obviously and I suspect the studies he’s citing are based on a real meal replacement product. Disappointing.
Also some issues around the use of soy protein isolate.
I love Andrew’s Secure and lots of others must love it. Over 100,000 sold here on HSN yesterday. I purchased the big -o bundle from Andrew.
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Posted in Health & Wellness
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01.15.17 3:13 PM
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