I can’t help, I am just going to say it……..
Looking at Tony Littles hair is such a distraction. I know I know, he has every right to wear his hair the way he wants and perhaps he thinks healthy looking hair is a sign of good health ( IT IS TOO) but I can’t stand looking at the mess. Even if he straightened it, or trimmed it, it is just too too big, it’s a turn off for me , I find myself focusing on it, not the product. WHo knows….maybe he should just wear it down and ditch the cap, maybe then it wouldnt look like a big poofy ball of curls.
Its his real hair and he isnt bald…Search google and there are plenty of photos.
So you JUDGE someone by the way their hair is????? Tony Little is an amazing person. Go and read about what he has over come in his life. He has helped so many people. Great person………..??
You Can Do It Tony – you can TAKE THE CAP OFF!
I did not think it is his real hair?
His hair doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is all the fake action the models have during his infomercial.
I don’t know whose hair is worse Tony’s or Diane Gilman’s. LOL
He seems like a nice guy to me. What with all the crazy celebrities screaming at us, Tony seems very calm and down to earth. His hairdo is a little dated, but I don’t have a problem with it. To me, it makes him seem more real, and not caught up in the latest fad. He is who he is. I like him. 🙂
To tell you the truth it’s never crossed my mind.
LOL…I know what you mean! He’s always had big hair like that even during his body-building days. Yes, it’s his real hair, but I agree about the cap. It is a distraction because all you see is a bunch of hair coming out of it…LOL!
I agree with you all. Why not take off that cap and shave the rest of it off. I’ll bet he would look so much better. Men who are bald can be very, sexy and attractive!:smileyvery-happy:
He probably thinks it’s his trademark appearance…but word to him…looks like you’re stuck in a time warp. Update the look dude.
Maybe it’s not his hair that’s attached to his hat? Whatever it is — attached to his head or to his hat, it would look so much better gone. If trying to hide baldness with that hat, oh please don’t. I personally find bald men very attractive. If there are patches here and there or a big section of hair that circles the head (and bald on top), just shave it all off. Very masculine.
Ditto…I can’t watch him.
I know what you mean! I find it equally disturbing to have so little self-control, *sigh*.
Conversation Info
Posted in Health & Wellness
14 Replies
02.28.17 8:09 AM
0 Participants