How do U like to exercise?
My best purchase ever is the Slendertone Abdominal Toning Belt (421-582), bc it requires absolutely no effort. Rock hard abs at the touch of a button!
I love my new Tony Little EZ Shaper (407-296). It takes up zero room and comes w 7 DVDs. I enjoy these resistance workouts, especially the Pilates.
I got the Tony Little Gazelle (462-296) a couple of yrs ago. It is a great cardio workout and feels like ur flying. The machine is heavy and difficult for me to move by myself, though. The heart rate monitor broke soon after I started using it, so I just do wo it. I read that happened to many other ppl by reading the product reviews.
I used to be a ballerina and love to dance in my room. I like all kinds of dance. My boyfriend is so sick of listening to Justin Bieber while I dance, so he started making me wear headphones.
It has been too hot and humid this summer for me to walk my elderly English Mastiff. She has bad joints and arthritis, plus a very thick coat of fur. We r having an indoor summer. I like having her by my side whenever I work out.
I am a walker. I like a brisk 20-25 minute walk with my dog wearing my
Apple Ipod Itouch! Yes, I move to the music.
Walking moves everything bone in your body. The music help me keep pace.
Sometimes I can dance as I walk. The music I put on conversation is all in my
Ipod. Some days I could walk a really long time.
Sometimes I take my dog on most walks.:smileyhappy:
For those of u who like to walk, I got some wrist weights off Amazon that work really well. U strap them on, so u don’t have to hold anything. They weigh 2 lbs each. It just gives ur walk a lil boost!
It is a joy to be able to work out.. I just want to stay strong if I drop weight now that would be bad. I remember all the years I did work out hard sometimes to the point of removing the workout clothes in the shower due to all of the water. Today I use soup cans for upper body strength and I am happy I can lift the cans. Thank you for asking.
JShine :catsad:
I’ve spent thousands on machines, DVDs,tapes, memberships,gizmos and even gadgets. Sold some and given some away. I hike far less than I use to. I’m turning 60 and some might say I’ve given up. Mainly I’ve hurt myself exercising then would have to stop for months until everything healed. So I’m taking it easy now. Currently I start with 12 minutes on a whole body vibration machine made by Zaaz. Then I jump on my mini trampoline for 7 ish minutes. Then I use my Pilates machine. Then the trampoline again for another 7 ish minutes then back on my whole body vibration machine for another 12 minutes We hike/walk about once a month but partly because it’s so hot now.
I still own my Pilates chair. I really liked kettlenetics but the repetition on my shoulders made them hurt so much I couldn’t sleep at night.
Walking out on bad boyfriends, dodging responsibility, jumping to conclusions, running off at the mouth, and hiking up my skirt!!! 🙂
I exercise my TV remote thumb daily … you mean there’s more to it?!?
while taking a nap:cattongue:
? ? and you can exercise your options, stretch the truth, bend the truth, jog your memory, ok, ok i’ll stop . thank you ? for making me smile and helping get a brain”work out.” :heart:
? seriously, i turn on the mexican urbana station and WORK IT!!! it’s the best music for dance!!!!! i’ve the the rhythm in me. one of my favorite dance songs to exercise is… “mony mony” by billie idol (i know he does the cover, it’s originally from the 60’s, for really fast and then slower… i even dance at wedding receptions to that one. i can’t resist…heels and all. i pray i don’t show up on utube some day.) and for slow continuous moving with dance steps is…”suavecito” by malo. pure joy.
?:catvery-happy: i don’t listen to jb… is, he, like, totally danceable? because he’s like soooooo totally cute. sorry, i had to valley girl it. what is grandpa music?… sinatra? or marvin gaye? michael buble? how old is bf’s music taste? :catvery-happy: mony, mony is EXTREMELY danceable!!!! and lip-syncable. i even dance in my car while driving if it comes on the radio. (do you dance and sing to suavicito or mony, mony? ) have you ever seen the show on tv called, singing my face off? it was amazing.
I had to hang up my pointe shoes a long time ago. I don’t know if any of you are familiar with twerking, but I TWERK!!!
Leslie Sansone Walk videos. Been doing them almost every day for over two years and still find them fun and energizing!
Aeropilates reformer. You feel fantastic afterwards and I love Yin yoga, great for joints and ligaments.
? twerk on!!!! ah, but to twerk on-pointe, now that takes talent!:cattongue: :heart: nik
? bahahahahahahaha!!!:cattongue: :heart: you are toooooo cute!! thor, all 22 pounds of him, works it with the twerk. he t-works it. thor the twerker…new name! good one florida! he gets that “watch me! watch me!” look in his eyes….:heart: nik
Conversation Info
Posted in Health & Wellness
31 Replies
09.07.16 2:39 PM
0 Participants