What’s the oddest gift you’ve ever received?
What’s the oddest gift you’ve ever received? Add your story and tune for the The Monday Night Show November 14 to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN!
The oddest gift I can rememeber is an alarm clock/radio given as a wedding gift… It was from a high school friend who apparently wrapped up her alarm clock from her own nightstand, no box or anything, just wrapping paper! But I still used that brown old school clock to wake myself up for 30 years through marriage, work, my own business, and two children I had to get off to school. Those kids now have masters degrees. And that old clock kept working!
Hmmm…I have to think about that one:womanlol:
A friend just returned from a trip overseas and gave me a lovely box of chocolates. I was delighted! I brought them home, made myself a cup of tea , opened up the box and low and behold there were three chocolates already gone. I figured someone at her house must have been hungry and helped themselves without her knowing. I didn’t say anything, I just tucked in and enjoyed them. Odd and funny!!!!
I guess my mother wanted me to have a daughter! After my eldest was born, and knowing I had a boy, she sent me a package that was filled with pink items for a baby girl!
Your questions are awesome like the show!Have to say it was a deed to property my husband’s grandfather owned that taxes were due on every month!It was in the desert in Arizona and no way to get utilities to it!True story!lol ! I would not gift it to anyone burden is paying taxes for 20 years on it Yikes!Now that was a strange gift!Can’t wait for the show!Thanks for all the likes my friends have a blast on these boards!
once was given the complimentary bath products from a hotel (and I mean like, a mini bar of Dial soap and no-name shampoo. not luxe stuff). Luckily, shelters love to get those items.
I am a vegetarian and was sent a Honey Baked Ham and bacon. I gave it to a foodbank in it’s dry ice, so someone got a nice family dinner.
as a couple, we were given an aswering machine, back when they used cassette tapes. it was all in it’s box, cords wound up with twistie ties and all. we set it up… and it was full of messages in a variety of languages. The giver of it said she was given it by a friend and just knew we’d love it. ok!. it worked, but we had a good laugh.
One of our wedding gifts had a raffle ticket in it. Someone had won it & gave it to us on our wedding day. I don’t remember the gift, but I do remember that raffle ticket.
I hope no gift I ever gave ends up in this thread, lol, because I really try.
It was a wedding shower gift..While opening all kinds of beautiful frilly
nighgowns,appliances,etc…I opened a box from my then future mother-in-law..It was 2 FLANNEL Nightgowns!..This was not a “joke” gift with a card that said “from Mrs.( her last name)”..Everyone was in shock..That woman hated me from the first day she met me!..Those nightgowns made great dust rags..46 years later her son and are still very happy!!!!!!!
I was never allowed to address her as anything but Mrs.(her name)..At our wedding..I tapped her on the shoulder and said now I’m. Mrs.(her name),too!
I never called her Mrs. (her name)..I would say to my husband “tell your mother”..He understood 100%..
I was truly a “blushing” bride when I opened a gag gift at my girls night out surprise party to find a sexy, red lace thong for me and a black silk thong for my husband. His even had tiny handcuffs attached. :womanlol: My husband and I are both VERY straightlaced and I’m still a bit embarrassed when I think about it. (giggle) (Note: Thrift store workers could only imagine the story behind those two items that were donated.)
After my son was born, a family member,bought me a porcelains figurine of a little family.
It had a Mother, Father and Baby witha banner that said ‘adoption’.
So yes, I had to tell my Mother my baby was not adopted but thanks!
Hi Adam,
I had received a pair of slippers:)
I went to try them on and they were so spongy that I lost my balance in them:)
Well, everybody was laughing but I was still trying to walk in them:)
Tes they fit well but they threw me off balance every time I wore them:):womanlol:
Thank you for asking:)
Lin da
The oddest gift I have ever received was on my 25th birthday, from my now, EX HUSBAND; a pair of white RATS in a cage. To this day, I DUNNO WHY?
I got rid of the rats and got rid of him! Happy Birthday to Me!! :womanlol:
The oddest gift I ever received was already-scratched lottery tickets. I thought it was a joke, but the giver said no, they were just afraid one of the tickets might be a big winner!
The oddest gift I ever received was one that kept on giving. I’ll explain.
My mother, (God love her and rest her soul), wasn’t the best Christmas gift giver once the 5 of us kids grew up. However, she did try. She’d give each of us a very large box, with a main gift, then surround that item with many small individual items, usually freebies, that came with her shoppinig addiction to mail shopping clubs.
One year, my oldest brother got green plastic pickle tongs, still in it’s package thankfully. We all laughed so hard that night and made so many jokes, that the tradition was born. Since my brothers and sisters and I did grab bag picks each year, the following year, yep you guessed it. Whoever he had in the grabbag got the pickle tongs. This went on for years and years and years, and was always hilarious to see who ended up with it the following year.
We all have our own large families and don’t always get together for Christmas day, or do grab bags with each other any longer. But now I wonder, who ended up with the pickle tongs! I’ll have to ask!
I just so happened to be first visited by aunt Flo near my birthday and my grandmother bought and wrapped feminine hygiene products for my birthday. Of which I opened in front of everyone was very embarrassed. She thought this was hilarious. I am now 30 and this is still talked about.
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Posted in Gifts
33 Replies
11.15.16 9:46 PM
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