What is the one gift that you want this year?
What is your best childhood holiday memory? Add your story and tune for the The Monday Night Show December 12 to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN!
I’m celebrating my second anniversary with my husband in February. Love my in-laws. Just found my birth family after searching for years. Husband is working again. I already have everything I need! – although it doesn’t hurt to have this Samsung Curved TV wrapped with a red sparkly bow sitting next to the tree! Haha … Hubby’s gonna be so surprised! Thanks Adam and HSN.
What I want for Christmas is not for myself but for my Mom. I want to help her get healthy and achieve her goal weight. And HSN has the ProForm® X-Bike Folding Bike with 2 lb. Weight Set Item # 428-710 that fits her needs. I’m still in college and hoping that HSN will grant my wish and help my deserving Mother begin 2017 with a healthy start to a new lifestyle.
For everyone, everywhere, to know their value! To know that they are loved! And for everyone to have shelter, warmth, and a full belly!
I grew up in Germany and the Christ kindle rang the little bell on Christmas Eve when the tree was decorated and the gifts were under the tree. We received one gift and I loved having my oranges, small red apples and the hazelnuts. The next day a visit to my favorite aunt and walking through the woods, trees covered with snow and knowing hot. chocolate was waiting for us. Snowball fight anyone?
I have to take care of my grandbabies all the time. The one gift i would like is peace and quiet :womanlol:
I want to discover the fountain of youth and live forever. Aging is starting to get on my nerves!
A cure for cancer and world peace.
The end.:smileyhappy:
Keep warm and toasty everybody:)
I like reading everyone’s post they are very special amd fun:)
Peace and love alway!
My fondest memory is celebrating the first Sunday of Hannukah with the entire family at the grandparents house. My aunt would play the piano while all the kids including all the aunts and uncles would sing. My grandpa and the youngest grandchild would light the Menorah. All the presents would be in front of the fireplace and the anticipation was sometimes unbearable. There were over 30 of us, cousins, aunts and uncles and our great aunts and uncles from other countries. My grandma was in the kitchen all week preparing chicken soup, potato latkes, turkey/chicken. kugel, pies and cakes for dessert. The delicious odors from the kitchen permeated every nook and cranny of that house that can still be felt to this very day.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah. Happy Kwanzah to all of you. No matter what holiday you celebrate, may the warmth and glow from all our candles bring you joy, good health and more memories to make the heart merrier and our cheer louder.
A real Christmas tree with all the decorations included. My arthritis is too bad to manage this anymore. Doesn’t have to be a large tree. Would love any size. Maybe the tree elves are listening.
Merry Christmas everyone!
I bought myself everything I wanted in the Beauty Dept.
Merry Christmas to me!!!
Should I get some coal for being so naughty????
A new car, please. Something that is not a gas guzzler would be nice. I surmise this will be one purchase I will have to do on my own without HSN’s help.
the one gift i want this holiday year is for my daughter to not be sick! she is three years old and has been sick the past two Christmas’s. she is old enough this year to know the joys of what Christmas is all about and i want her to have the full experience; healthy!
Conversation Info
Posted in Gifts
48 Replies
01.31.17 2:21 AM
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