The Monday Night Show Asks: If you could give yourself the gift of beauty what would it be?
If you could give yourself the gift of beauty what would it be? Share your answer and tune for the The Monday Night Show November 16th to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN.
A face lift, lifestyle lift and rhinoplasty by the best plastic surgeons in the world! Or, a professional makeup artist and hairstylist to do a complete makeover of me giving me the makeup and tools and knowledge to take home.
A complete facelift, browlift, eye lift, neck lift, laser removal of wrinkles from my hands; I have always had wrinkly hands, and lipo where I need it. Also veneers. The inside of me is nice, I want the outside to look as nice. Not that I look bad, but I don’t look like the models do when selling product on HSN.
To have my natural hair color again:womanwink:
The fountain of youth!
Liposuction, leg extension, facelift, boob lift, memory upgrade, personality adjustment, built in solar panel so I could just charge up from sun without needing to eat, appetite reduction (just burn the darn thing with fire!) extra shocks in the legs so I could jump like ninja, adamantium bones, built in flame thrower and roarer in the throat so I could roar and breathe fire, a power outlet on the side to charge the phone… am I forgetting somthing? I have a feeling I am forgetting something important.
Luscious Lips and Radiant skin…. :smileywink:
Peace and Quiet with a Massage from top to bottom.
On a second thought, if I could give myself the gift of beauty, he would have broad shoulders, nice muscles, sexy hair on the chest and tummy and a nice smile.
A BIG/HUGE basket of all of HSN’s beauty products – I mean everything! That would be my Christmas gift to myself. And, I would look fabulous if I do say so myself!!!! I’d prefer all the products than a particular ‘beauty’ part for myself.
i would be lady godiva. not only is she a flawless beauty on the outside but she shares her name with a famous veteran chocolatier from whom i would not mind receiving a box of chocolates as a good source of internal antioxidants. cheers, loves. xoxo
My gift of beauty would be to spend time at an expensive spa. I would be pampered from head to toe. I’d learn what to eat to keep my girlish figure, how to apply my make-up for that radiant look, given a few exercise pointers with a personal trainer, all the lotions and make-up free of charge, and when the experts are done with me, an entire new wardrobe with a drop dead dress in which I look gorgeous when I’m sent home to my family.
My gift of beauty would be all my family around me healthy and happy. Of course if everyone was holding a different HSN beauty item it would be even better.
I want my hair back. It started to thin after chemo and never stopped. It is so fragile. I would also appreciate lip injections. My lips have all but disappeared and maybe an eye lift to undo the results of strokes. I will keep my wrinkles though. I earned every one.
I have donated my hair to locks of love since I turned 30 and have grown it to the length they require to give for wigs for children who have cancer to help them heal as well as their self esteem. I am proud to say that the gifts of donations have been a real help to them. At the age of 56 I can now donate again to that cause I have grown my hair to help them to the length of a little less than two feet and my gift that I would give myself is a hair treatment with an extensive condition treatment that will help make the hair stronger to donate it this time! My dear husband thinks I should wait till after the winter as it would keep me warm one more time but it is so much thinner as I age ! There is no cheaper ways to condition than to use the best to get the best results so I always choose something cheap for me and all else of course is for the grandchildrens so I would definately say a great shampoo with conditioner is most on my list!I also will need a cute short hair cut !Love the show everyone never miss it!
See I think this question takes it a different route. I believe that everyone is beautiful. It doesn’t matter how big or small, how tall or short, so I don’t think anyone needs the gift of beauty, they could just smile and it will enhance your beauty. A 24 hour spa day would make me more radiant though and extremely rested 🙂
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Posted in Gifts
48 Replies
11.17.15 3:00 AM
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