Monday Night Show Asks: What’s the one gift you’ve always wanted but never got?
What’s the one gift you’ve always wanted but never got? Share it below and tune in November 3 at 7PM for the Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN. You can also connect with our experts to get answers to questions you have during the show, or just to say hi!
David’s Adam Assortment – Adina Miccio
Easy Exotic 40oz Teapot w/Tea – Kelly Diedring
Concierge Collection Bedding – Ellen Bunner
Picture Weave Blanket – Allegra Buffington
Bell & Howell Torchlite Micro Set of 6 – Lou Caputo
Rainbow Showerhead 2pk – Lori Leland
Therapure Air Purifier 2pk + Mini AP – Lea Little
Nabi Big Tab – David Schmidt
ecg1, Wow I can’t believe you had TWO pair of Go-Go boots!! I didn’t know anyone who even had one pair (kind of poor growing up, all of us were)–You were so lucky!
SLMangle, Gee, I’m sorry that now you want some Go-Go boots haha….isn’t that funny when someone talks about something like that, that oh boy, now you have to have them! Good luck to you! I’m still waiting to get mine haha…
Seanchai, I know what you mean about ice skates. I finally had gotten enough birthday money to get a pair at the local ”Payless” type store, the only size they had were manyyy sizes too big. Did that stop me?? Nope, I got them and wore them on the local small lake for years to ice skate, I didn’t care that my ankles wobbled and I looked knock kneed!! I had skates!! I just wore all the socks I could find. Even today they would have been at least 2 sizes too big, and this was about oh boy, way too many years ago to say haha At least I’m from Pa and got to use them a little more than you, being from Texas, but I bet you had a lot of fun on your driveway anyway!
When I was about five years old I begged Santa and my parents for a kitten but since I was severely allergic to cats my wish never came true. Finally when I was in my late thities my daughter found a tabby kitten at the park and brought him home. We named him Moe and although I was never able to touch him he was allowed inside and outside the house. A few years later we moved to a new neighborhood and our efforts to acclimate him to the new house failed. He disappeared and I was heartbroken. There’s a Catholic school a few blocks away and we heard that he lived there with the nuns and grew to be an old, happy, fat cat. I still miss you Moe……..
Wow! Really Loved reading ALL of The Community’s wish or wishes! Some very funny, some personal, some a little goofy and some very blessed! Shout Out to ALL to have a safe and wonderful Holiday Season and wishes do come true! Oh, by the way, Cindy819, Thank You for always being kind on Community on HSN. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness!!! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
There are so many gifts but one in particular has always been a Hope Chest. It is a tradition when you get married that you receive a Hope Chest but my Hope Chest ended up being Baby Furniture. After our Honeymoon at our Grandparents Lakehouse in Delaware, which was so nice, came back and was pregnant with child! That was the Best Gift I could of ever received because I lost my son in 2005. But, now, would love to have a Hope Chest with ALL of his Memories throughout the years. Melancholy, but know that my son is in good hands! My son is the Greatest Gift of ALL! ???????????????????????????????? -
well when i was younger .there was alot that id like to have .at that time there wasa show on with just toys it was local. but i knew that mom dad couldnt afford much sometimes not even a chrismas tree i rember shoveling walks to buy one and suprise them . so what ever i got new or used i was happy and to this day i dont ask for anything that i want. anything iam happy its not what u get its the thought that counts and now days if hsn has it i want it i buy lol happy holidays
I have always wished that my Mother would have a relationship with me!!!
Ever since I was 2 years old, I have missed a Mother and had to learn how to mother myself.
She still won’t speak with me after I tracked her down.
Now I am a grandmother and I always talk and guide my children and grandchildren.
The best gift is a Parents love!!!
A size 6 figure.
When I was about 8 or so I wanted white Go Go boots so bad I could taste it! My wonderful Uncle was the best gift giver, so I made sure he knew lol, when my birthday came I was so excited I could hardly stand it! I was sure the big box had my precious white go go boots in it! Well, it was a tea set instead. Knowing me, I am sure everyone knew how disappointed I was haha…and no, I have never had a pair of white go go boots. Thanks for the fun memories! Come to think of it, he was the same Uncle who would take me food shopping with him and when the song on the radio came on, he would sing it to me—-the song was ”You Talk Too Much, you worry me to death” hahaha , gee what was he trying to say haha
I want a GRANDBABY!!!!!
Adam, that is so easy….a rocking chair!!!! After our first child I asked for one and she ended up with one. The second child and still no rocking chair, of course she got one too. Now after the first grandchild I got myself one, only because somebody in the family needed an upgrade. The second grandchild came and finally I bought my OWN reclyning rocking chair!!!! And now both my son in laws took over MY rocking chair. Go figure….Now you know the end of my story and the gift of the rocking chair, I still do not own!:smileylol:
I know they asked for one gift but I have 2.
First, I enjoy creating many different types of art, from sewing to glass work to pottery, and most anything in between. My problem is I have no creativity. I can master the technical aspects of all these art forms, I just can’t come up with the ideas myself. So, I can look at another piece and recreate it. I just don’t know how to find the creativity.
Secondly, for the past 15 years I have been in pain everyday. I know I am not the only one and definitely there are people worse off than me. A gift I wish for is for the pain to go away, even if it is just a month or a week
A live-in housekeeper.
Now I get everything I want I just buy it myself 🙂 But I had to think hard about this question and now I remember when I was a little girl I really wanted a bride doll. I had plenty of dolls even a "bobarucha doll’ but I really really wanted a bride doll with a beautiful gown of satin and lace with a veil. These dolls were not little dolls and they were much bigger than me.
I forgot all about this until now.
There is a antique shoppe in my town and there is a beautiful bride doll with a sign on it NOT FOR SALE!
That is my answer, a bride doll, thanks for asking Adam 🙂
I just asked my husband for help answering this question. According to him, the answer is "nothing", because I get everything I want. Lol!
I guess he is right, because I can’t think of anything either.
Conversation Info
Posted in Gifts
111 Replies
08.06.16 10:07 PM
0 Participants