Gifts for Dads and Grads
When is the pricing for the items under ‘Gifts for Dads and Grads’ good until? Some of the items seem to be priced as they were before this ‘offer’, but others I am not sure of….. As many facts about a
TV I am interested in were presented incorrectly (LCD vs LED) after I downloaded pdfs from maufacturer and read carefully, I need to make some calls. Being as tomorrow is Monday, that would be my earliest oppoturnity to do so…..if the price were to expire tonight at midnight (Sun, 6/7 11:59pm) then I am out of luck and must shop elsewhere.
Thanks to anyone who might be able to shed some light on this topic!
IamShortDiva, welcome back to the Community, it’s nice to see you here again. Thanks for posting about your pillows. We’re so glad you’re pleased!
Hi sheeshles, there is no set schedule for price changes. It’s a good idea to save items you love as a Favorite so we can alert you when prices drop, inventory is running low or when it’s back in stock!
@kim my replies are out of order….sorry. Thanks for responding, too!!
Conversation Info
Posted in Gifts
4 Replies
01.16.15 7:50 PM
0 Participants