This stone, although pretty, is a LAB CREATED stone. Therefore, it has no intrinsic RESALE value (as no created stones do). So, I would really appreciate it if the show hosts would stop describing it as “rare.” It isn’t rare – or, it is only as “rare” as its manufacturers with to make it. When the hosts descirbe it as a “lifelong” value, they mean it. You’re stuck with it for life. A natural garnet or amethyst has a greater intrinsic value that this manmade stone.
Therefore… know what you are buying. This stone is overpriced. Get a CZ for 1/10 the price. Theoretically, the resale vaule is the same. OR.. pay 2x the price and get real diamonds, which are “portable treasure.” You can always sell them if you want to (to a real jeweler, not just on E-Bay).
This is such a tired argument. No one who buys moissanite is thinking of reselling it. I own lots of diamond jewelry and also some beautiful moissanite pieces. I mix them and wear them all very often. I never bought moissanite to resell it or for its intrinsic value. How much do you think a jeweler would give you for your diamond jewelry? You’re kidding yourself if you think you’ll get anything near what you paid. If you have a fine diamond solitaire you may get some money, but otherwise forget it. Jewelers don’t want your jewelry. They want to sell what they have. not your things. If they do buy them from you, be prepared to get pennies on the dollar. As for moissanite looking like cz, that argument can only be made by someone who has never seen a moissanite. It doesn’t resemble cz in the slightest. I would suggest that you see a beautiful piece of moissanite jewelry before you criticize it. I usually hear this from someone who can’t afford moissanite or won’t spend the money. It’s not for everyone, but don’t critique what you don’t own.
“To me resale value is tied to things like cars, homes maybe furniture.”
The resale value of expensive things is a reflection of the value of your investment, and it is a measurable value. I don’t plan on selling items in my jewelry collection, either. But I will pass them on.
Bizarre indeed. I don’t get it. It’s a man made stone that cost pennies to manufacture, it’s no different than cz just a different recipe. Yet, women will pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars for it. Granted, the settings tend to be real diamond settings in heavy gold…but the stones are worthless.
I agree sellers should be careful of the wording they use. When they first started selling moissy on HSN they were marketing it as a diamond simulant but that hurt them in sales because of the snobbery that can be associated with simulants. Then they started calling it a precious gemstone. Not sure what they are marketing it as now as I haven’t seen the show yet.
With that said I would prefer a moissy to the average CZ because most aren’t of good quality and the cut is very poor. They don’t fool many people. I have found a few CZ here and there (in the mall stands no less) that were excellently cut and had super sparkle and fooled everyone under certain lighting situations. They weren’t more than 30 bucks. So I wouldn’t pay HSN prices for their absolute or most of the other places that cell CZ’s. Just not worth the money.
There is good moissy and bad moissy like most things even diamonds. Either way I don’t buy jewelry with the idea of resale value as I don’t intend to sell anything I have. To me resale value is tied to things like cars, homes maybe furniture. But that is just me I know some people do sell their jewelry too. But for me that doesn’t really matter.
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Posted in Fashion
21 Replies
12.29.08 1:42 AM
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