Has this happen to you, when returning an item?
It was sooooo much fun 10 years ago. I was living in the city for a very long time then went to being a farmer.. Boy what a shock wave lol/
She probably gave it a ONE star at first IN HER MIND, before she decided how to rate it online……
According to what is online, she bought a mop and a mop head. One review is for mop and one is for mop head.
She bought 2 mops and wrote 2 reviews.
U R Right! I must have mis-read it. I only had 1 and 5 in my mind, and assumed ‘bad’ was 1. – thanks!
But … It is a little odd to review the mop head first and two weeks later, to review the mop. It seems more likely to do both at the same time.
In the second review, she said she previously gave it a bad review. She didn’t say it was one star.
Thanks, Thisgoesto.
She said she gave a 1* before … It sounds like she gave the Mop a 1 at first … but now she is giving it a 5. – Changed her hsn mop Review??
However, one or two reviewers on Target website said that they bought the mop from hsn. So, either That is her situation … Or, she changed her hsn review.
She left her first review of the mop on the page for the mop head (443-213). It’s a 3* review left on 1/22/16.
Read the 5* review by Lady 2228 . (about the 8th one from the top, I think.) What is she saying?)
You cannot modify a review once it is posted.
Hmmm that is very interesting, I did not know that you could change a review once you posted it.
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Posted in HSN TV
12 Replies
02.08.16 3:50 AM
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