Happy Birthday Antthony!!
Hi Dynac,
Thanks very much for your informative reply.
I also agree and it seems the sim card cannot be erased by the Consumer but I also read yesterday that some cell phones have an erase option to erase the sim card completely, but brands were not mentioned.
I hope if this is true that all cellphone Manufacturer’s will also make that option available in their future cell phone offerings because it would sure ease the mminds of us Consumers when facing defective cell phone, returns, or returnning various electronic devices in general.
ZTE did not have this particular phone for sale on their web site so that states a lot to the average cell phone consumer.
Dynac please read my reply above of today to FedExGuy, since I list more information and very important update information about leaving sim cards in, which are being sold along with all the Consumer’s personal information still stored on them, as opposed to removing them by law, destroying them, and then placing into the used cellphone brand new unused sim cards, and then offering them for resale.
I will update Dynac, as soon as I receive an email advisement reply from ZTE, and again thanks for your reply contributions:).
Hi FedExGuy,
Thanks for all of your great suggestions!
I did locate the ZTE web site and tried calling them, but get a constant busy signal, after trying most of the day.
I also located their contact us email address and decided it was easier to have email communications so I typed in all my ZTE Flip phone Consumer concerns I also listed above, and asked if I can return the ZTE Flip phone without the sim card since the sim card still it still stores a lot of our personal information, and we do not wish to become ID theft victims since my removing their sim card prevents ID theft victimization.
Now I hope they will email advise reply to me, and I know as Manufacturer’s of this ZTE Flip Phone they probably are asked this question often as far as returning the defective cell phone without the sim card in it, and still get a total refund, since the cell phone is exhibiting numerous defects and is not functioning as a cell phone should function.
UPDATE: This needs to be known by all cell phone users in case they are unaware, and I also included this potential ID theft information to ZTE in my email of yesterday :
Also it is stated on the Internet that any cell phone returned, repaired & resold cannot keep the original sim card a consumer left inside.
“The Cell phone Manufacturer’s must remove all of the sim cards when the cell phones are returned from Consumers and then place brand new unused sim cards inside, and then proceed to re-sell these used cellphones……but I also read to my grave disappointment and consumer concern that many disregard that law and still sell them with the original used sim card stored inside which keeps all actions and personal information every Consumer enacted, while they had their ZTE or other brand cell phones in their possession.
Again I reiterate that a brand new sim card must be placed inside, and then the item can be re-sold as used to the general public.
Unfortunately it is stated by many groups and individuals on the Internet that many cell phone Manufacturer’s, Ebay Sellers, Flea Markets Sellers, as well as other individuals receive back from consumers and also purchase large quantities of these used cell phones, and resell them.
Many shady characters also purchase used cell phones hoping the previous Consumer’s sim cards are still in the cell phones, so they can proceed to secure all the personal information they need to commit ID theft. (My heart just aches for all those consumers unaware of this, who have been ID theft victimized)
Many of these used cell phones were also bought by Consumer Protection groups, and many were also professionally tested by the Avast Security Avast Virus Protection Organization, and all these used cell phones they tested were resold with the original sim cards intact full of personal information.
(Evidently this is a major concern, and a very serious red flag since leaving the original sim card still in the resold cell phones can definitely lead to potential devastating ID theft, and other very troublesome frightening scenarios).
So now I wait to see if ZTE can address my questions and concerns via telephone or continued email communications.
FedExGuy I also checked around in my area and did a vast Google search for places to purchase the exact sim cards this ZTE Cymbal Lite Flip Phone has installed on it, but it seems purchasing the same sim cards to replace this particular ZTE model Flip cellphone is not an easy item to buy, so this poses even more problems.
Now I will wait a few days and see if I get an email advisement reply which is fair and just, from the ZTE Manufacturer.
I will update again FedExGuy, as soon as I have more additional information to update:).
I think Walmart use to sell this brand of phone to use with Walmarts Family Mobile…I am pretty sure you can’t erase the data from the sim card even with a master reset.It wipes everything else off but not from the sim card..Seems like a lot of the phones sold on deals is because they are being discontinued…happens often with laptops too.Maybe ask if they would let you return it without the card..I dont blame you for not sending it back with info on it.Tracfone is great unless you need customer service…
, while I don’t have your particular phone, I have a couple of suggestions you might try. Since Tracfone was of no use, you might try contacting ZTE customer service. The Cymbal phone is not listed as a current phone on their web site (which tells me that it was obtained as a TS as a close-out) but ZTE might still be able to tell you how to wipe the SIMM card.
Your other option, while a bit radical, is to either remove the card and reformat it with your computer which would erase all information on it. You’ll need a SIMM adapter to do this.
Or you could purchase a similar-sized card and just put it in the phone before returning it.
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Posted in HSN TV
5 Replies
02.08.17 3:39 AM
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