, when you place an order for us, the order will be sent to our warehouse at midnight EST the day the order is placed to begin the packaging process. This process can sometimes take a few days depending on the item being delivered, especially for cell phone orders as the phones need to be set up prior to shipping. Once the packaging process is over, the item will be shipped out and then an email will be sent to you with your tracking information.
Thanks for the explaination on the HSN process. The same phone and minutes cards are available at big box stores and those are customer activated via the same 1-800 number HSN lists on the product page so it’s a little confusing on what HSN or the shipper needs to setup. It just appears that there is a wait for available stock that is called “Packaging”.
I’ve been a long time Tracfone customer and the process has always been the same with the customer doing the setup via that 1-800 number.
As a final question, once the order is accepted at midnight and uncancellable on the order day, is that a confirmation the item is actually available? A concern is that multiple days could go by in Packaging only to find out there was no avaiable stock and HSN is unable to fulfull the order.
I realized I asked a vague question regarding availability. I should have used the term “in stock” and not availability. They can mean two different things. Specifically was the item in stock when it was ordered? According to your website, HSN ships 24-48 hours after the midnight cutoff for in stock items. I suppose something could be available (i.e. still made by the manufacturer) but not in your stock.
The reason I’m asking is, HSN bundles the phone with a plastic case and cigarette adapter. The black case I selected is no longer listed on your site as a color option so I suspect it is out of stock. I was concerned my specific order was being held in Packaging until the plastic cover arrived at HSN.
As mentioned in my original post, I need to return the item due to incompatibility. My mistake on ordering from HSN. Tracfone lists my zip code as compatible with this phone but the HSN lookup says it is not. I am confused as I already own another phone of the same model and have no issues with coverage in my zip. Also other merchants show it is compatible with my zip. To avoid problems, it’s just easier to return and purchase elsewhere.
I’d just like to move forward on the item being shipped so it can be returned promptly. Any insight on the hold up would be appreciated. Thank you.
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Posted in HSN TV
4 Replies
06.21.16 12:47 PM
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