Getting Political
I just heard you are dropping Ivanka Trump’s line…looks political to me. If you are getting political & dropping Ivanka’s line, I will be dropping HSN after decades!
I don’t belive that HSN is dropping Ivanka Trump’s line because it doesn’t sell well. I believe it is political and will be closing my account with you. Emails, will be directed to spam mail. I’m done.
Not my New Friend.
Im right there with you guys! I love shopping better than anyone but I REFUSE to shop with any company that has a political agenda! Shopping is enjoyable because there is freedom of choice, styles and brands … not limits!. Politics has no place in retail brands. i can not support this!
.. its time to reevaluate where we all shop! -
Dear long time customers of HSN and my comrades in Arcade. Please notice that this topic was started by NEW Friends and continued by NEW friends and is an effort to derail something that has not been proven or addressed. Do not be bullied, read the news articles for yourself, let HSN have a say if they want to, but above all, DO NOT BE GOADED INTO ASSISTING A POLITICAL AGENDA WHERE IT DOES NOT NEED TO EXIST.
There is enough division and meaness in the world to go around without adding to it here. I think this topic will come down soon, and I hope it does. In the meantime, look at the NEW posters who are using this forum and may be manipulating you. Think for yourself and don’t take anything at face value.
How dare you bring “your” politics into our shopping experience. Cancel my account.
Bad form, HSN. I don’t care whether you’re liberal or conservative…we don’t want HSN for your views. Most of us, regardless of what the media tells everyone, are smart enough and informed enough to make our own decisions. We watch HSN for the shopping experience, not to be told what to think. I’ve been a loyal HSN customer for years and have spent thousands of dollars. Will be looking to your competitor now. And will certainly purchase more Ivanka Trump products.
We can support her line at the dot.com address & even if we haven’t we will now.
Since when does shopping mix with POLITICS? I’ve been a very good customer but no longer. I can’t believe Conservatives are discriminated against. HSN is like all the other cattle now. Mindless and not letting ALL PEOPLE share their products. Ivanks did nothing to you except make you some money and this is hoiw you treat her? I'[ll shop and buy from where my money is wanted. Shame on this company. I’m through with any store or business that has to discriminate against anyone, especially Conservatives.
HSN should be ashamed.
Why must people boycott Ivanka Trump’s clothing line simply because they disagree with her father’s politics? Many retailers have dropped her line this week. I believe a minority of people are on this scorched-earth bandwagon in which anyone who associates with President Trump must be verbally abused, boycotted, have their job threatened, and, in rare cases, be physically assaulted. Such a lack of tolerance and civility is a disgrace. We’ve never seen a situation such as this that I can remember.
I’m not going to boycott HSN over this, but I do hope they didn’t do this in response to the disgraceful abuse of Ivanka Trump.
If you chose to play politics then so do I – Good bye!!!
Yep, me too!
Sure seems HSN is getting political. Won’t be shoppping here anymore.
Add me to the list of consumers that will not shop with you any longer over your political ban of Ivanka Trump porducts.. I am a LONG time customer and have spent thousands of dollars with you in the past but I no longer choose to do business with a company that is so petty and political that they feel they must make such a move. Shame on you. I wonder how some of your other vendors are going to like it when their sales suffer as well because I didn’t purchase Ivanka products, I purchased Joy, IMAN, Victoria Weick, Jay King, DG2, Bajalia, Slinky, Elite, Wolfgang Puck, Rhonda Shear and many, many others. Bye, bye to all. It’s the principle of the thing.
After learnig that one of your prominent Chefs prepared pizza [Pizzagate] for a group of Hollywood party goers, I decided to no longer purchase his products on HSN [or from other sources].
Removing Ivanka Trump from your line up will prove to be a really, really bad business mistake for HSN. I have never bought her products, but now I will elsewhere.
Not everyone sees the US through liberal lenses. There are alot of us in the middle just trying to get by. Please stay out of politics.
Conversation Info
Posted in Fashion
50 Replies
02.08.17 3:49 PM
0 Participants