ZTE SPro 2Smart Projector
Does anyone know if HSN will be getting this model anytime soon?
Thank you!! I just bought the one on the site. I guess I’ll have to return it and just wait until then.
@PIn30906 Great news! I just heard back from our buyers and they’ve said we plan to launch this in late April.
@PIn30906 I’ll check with our electronic buyers and see if they have any plans to stock these! Once I hear back, I’ll respond here and let you know what they say.
We got some AL’s products. I saw no huge difference. It was not worth the cost.
I get my vitamins and herbs from a mom and pop shop. They have friendly, informative staff, and their prices are way cheaper than GNC and Vitamin World.
I can’t take these kinds of vitamins. My body just doesn’t absorb them. I have to take ‘liquid’ vitamins. I get these bottles of liquid vitamins at the health food store or online. They’re a heck of a lot cheaper, too, compared to Andrew’s.
Did you hear on GMA this a.m, WALGREEN’S,TARGET,GNC.
In the Ginko B, few others, found out all have some "fillers" they found it was "SAND" in the capsules, so that is proof enough for me, to order Andrew Lessman’s vitamins, yes they are high priced.I buy what I can on a special like the T.SV. a few I want to get with next coupon.
To step back and say 10 years ago Suzanne Somers started a vitamin intake of maybe 10 a day. Suzanne is now up to over 70 a day—mind you she has access to some very good blood work but if she can consume this amount as well as who knows what else how is it she seems healthy and vibrant at almost 70 yrs.
One thing I do is cut everything out for about 4-5 days and just drink water with a half way nutritious meal then on the 6-6 day I start my vitamin intake all over again.
I do the same with my skin I use the heavy handed application of serum/cream/caps and then MASK my face and just cleanse it and go without all but retin a for about 3 days maybe 5 and then start over again.
SHOCK THE SKIN, SHOCK THE SYSTEM- When and if God allows me to live to 105 I might then and only then know If my plan worked.
OUR ENVIROMENT IS IN A TERRIBLE MESS- We have to combat the bad somehow, yet withen reason- Im old enough to remember when tap water was it- now we wouldnt think of drinking it- I admit I still do in a pinch- But times are different. Life is combat- we have to stay on top –
I take and like Andrew’s supplements…but they are so expensive. I am trying to explain to myself that it makes sense for my Healthy Hair Skin & Nails Supplement to cost more than my husbands heart meds.
I needed more glucosamine but opted out of the bundle. I always have fresh ginger in my fridge. HSN said regardless of quantity or opting out of one, I will still get AL coupon which always will come in handy. Hubby is on extra vitamins that are keeping him from taking insulin for his sugar. Thank God. Tomorrow is his big check up with the VA, and it’s a drive. Hoping the snow heading here is hits later in the day, until we get back, the river has been frozen for days. Wishing everyone a warm and cozy evening.
ToffeeDude, be safe and keep warm:)
OK – once again, I bought the TS. I also bought the CholestaCare that some of you say works, and I got the night time capsules that almost work for me. I didn’t want to buy them for a while because they are so expensive, but since I was already spending tons of money, I figured, might as well.
They work for me. Honestly, I hope I never have to do without my Lessman supplements .
Procaps are a feel the difference vitamin for me. They are a bit high for my budget BUT I would rather take 1 of his every other day than to take some generic mislabeled vit crammed with fillers and dyed + sugared in a neon color daily. I am assured that I will get the highest quality in the purist form..
Women’s Complete has been my only vitamin since 2007 when I was missing meals in grad school. It’s expensive but I have tried other brands. WC gives me what I need to make it through my busy days now that I have kids. Thank you for autoship and flex pays. I never want to run out.
Vitamins sometimes upset my stomach and I’ve never had that happen with the AL ones. I do still use a couple of his products, but I tried cholestacare for several months, lost 25 pounds eating a very healthy diet low in cholesterol during that time, and when I went back to the doctor, my cholesterol had actually increased by 40 points! I won’t use that product again.
As to how do you know if supplements are working, get tested. My vitamin D3 levels were well below normal and my doctor told me to use a liquid supplement that I can get (usually a BOGO so fairly inexpensive) at Vitamin World. This last doctor visit, my D3 levels had risen to high normal.
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Posted in Electronics
28 Replies
02.05.15 12:23 AM
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