Am interest in buying… Hav been looking for a reasonable easy to use one…
Have never owned a Tracphone,and a bit nervous….
The only electronic i use is a desktop,keyboard and mouse… It is not wire-free.
Am stuck in a dark area of my home using…
My eyes are not good…. I wear progressive lenses,that are old…
Am very sensitve to bright lighs… Found i do have a start of Cataracs,also and astigmatism in both eyes.. Recently found out my left eye got worse…
Cannot find a eyeglass frame that i am comfortable with…
Have tired several over the years.. Have bad sinuses as well.. Cannot adjust to wearing eyeglasses..
This tracphone has many bells,and whistles i like…
Everytime i am ready to order,get cold feet…
So now i ponder… The price my go up in addition to free ship,and 4 flex which is always an incentive to order..
To add my husband is 81,does not know how to use a computer.
I am 78,and use to using a keyboard with mouse…
Would be help if someone who has this one to reply…
Any added info would be greatly appreciated…
Need all the help i can get…
So disappointed that no one has replied to my post.
I am 72 and LOVE my Tracfone. I think you’ll love this phone. It’s bright, easy to see and use, and very reliable. It’s a big large to carry in your hand easily, but stick it in your purse and you’ll be fine. I even play Solitaire on it sitting in waiting rooms! Good luck.
Conversation Info
Posted in Electronics
3 Replies
10.13.16 1:48 PM
0 Participants