What do you think your pets do when you’re away from home?
What do you think your pets do when you’re away from home? Share your guesses with tech expert Stephanie Duchaine and learn how you can discover the truth August 5.
I know that my elderly English Mastiff sleeps when I am not home.
I have cats and they are older so I think they most likely just sleep.
I have a dog and I know he hates to see me leave. I think he waits at the door until I
Soon I will have a kitten:smileyhappy:
Play cards, get on the Internet and play some games in Arcadia, have some snacks, you know–the usual!
My cat, Sadie, hangs out on the windowsill and watches the birds and squirrels. Then she eats a little and curls up and sleeps.
He goes in the bathroom and unrolls some toilet paper (just to let me know he isn’t pleased for being left alone) and then sits by the window because he is the Neighborhood Watch Dog – and barks whenever another dog passes by. This is HIS house, HIS street and HIS neighborhood – or at least he thinks so!!
Hi Steph,
I have a cat and she possibly seat on the window sill and watches birds and people and then sleeps:)
That is what I think she does 🙂
Thank you for asking:)
Peace and Love always:)
xo xo
My beautiful cocker is pretty old now going on 15 yrs old, so she lounges mostly and sleeps. I do monitor her while I’m gone, and will leave my TV on HSN so she can hear voices all day long. Once in awhile she’ll actually watch the TV very intently, just makes me smile!
Hi, Ladies!!
Sadly, we recently lost two of our four cats to “old age”….both Siamese and one of them, “Einstein” was the smartest, and actually had a “relationship” with my husband, Terry. Einststein was a gift from our son David, 16yrs. ago…..they would look at one another, Einstein would put his paw on Terry’s cheek and he’d snuggle just under his goatee on his chin….they were inseparable…..whenever Einstein was hungry, he’d give me the “look” and I’d feed him. Otherwise, he’d be with his “love”, Terry. who is in mourning….but we have to remember, this cat never had a sick day.
Our other little white lavender tipped Siamese, “Missy” also passed 6mos. ago at age 21. She also never had a sick day….she was very petite, a white furball and pink paws….
Thanks for allowing me to “vent”…..Agi
Our two remaining cats are well and one is a Sealpoint Siamese female named “Isis” adopted before the “Isis” in the news…. and the other is a Blue Point part Siamese, Persian.Coco-Duck….I have a special relationship with both. Isis actually my special girl…(Coco-Duck is a little “scardy cat, lol,but my “baby”…..Agi
Ladies, when we’re not home, I know what my two cats do…..they SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP on the window shelf daddy built them so they can look out at people passing by….they love to SLEEP!!! Agi
My younger female cat – Cassie, stays on the bed sleeping half the day.
But that’s after she stays up most of the night. If my dog comes to the window, sometimes she’ll CHARGE the window.
My husband said, “Is that an attack cat?”
So I guess she’s a security guard. lol
My old male cat sleeps…or waits in the front window..
Probably saying” I hate when you leave me alone with the girls.”
My 2 shelter girls hate each other
They do the same as when I am here..FIGHT!:catfrustrated:
I see the damage done when we get back:catsurprised::catfrustrated:
Oh we know what our pet does!(Remmy,a few months old) He continues helping us increase our property value by digging the swimming pool! 😉 ~~Good Boy! ~~
I think my min pin is working on building his portfolio as an interior RE-DECORATOR since there are always pillows from the couch placed in front of the door when i return!:-)
Conversation Info
Posted in Electronics
46 Replies
08.08.16 5:04 AM
0 Participants